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--Graphic from Bloomberg News |
- George Soros
- George Kaiser
- Elon Musk
- Warren Buffet
- Pritzker Group
- Heather Podesta
- Tony Podesta
- Steve Westly
- Steve Farber
- Ken Salazar
- Spinner, Steve
- Google Executives
- Solarcity Corp
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Photo from The Atlantic: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton checks her phone on board a plane from Malta to Tripoli, Libya. |
We have to end the flood of secret, unaccountable money that is distorting our elections, corrupting our political system, and drowning out the voices of too many everyday Americans. Our democracy should be about expanding the franchise, not charging an entrance fee.
– Hillary Rodham Clinton, September 8, 2015
The Savage Nation takes on the “Green Gangsters”
This past April, Marita Noon, my cohort in exposing this massive "green" energy scandal, had alerted me to this breaking news: Dr. Michael Savage was reading The Green Corruption Files on his radio program!
Sure enough: my blog blew up because Savage had also linked one of my stories on his website.
After intently listening to his broadcast, I was flabbergasted!
With the sternness of his voice, it was real. It was brilliant. In the middle of hammering away at the transgender bathroom issue, Savage was alerting his audience of another huge taxpayer-subsidized solar company that went down the ECO-Toilet.
While there are scores of Obama-backed green energy deals that have gone bust (Solyndra, Abound Solar and Fisker Automotive come to mind), it was this particular January 2015 story that Savage was screaming about: "Two Big White House "Green" Cronies Unite: First Wind scored over $700 million of stimulus funds, now being acquired by SunEdison."
That following Monday, April 25, 2015, I had the honor of a brief interview with Dr. Savage where we had a nice chat discussing the Green Gangsters as well as the "alleged fraud in the green rackets." That podcast can be found HERE (at about the 50-minute mark) and at the end of this blog post, where Savage concludes by describing Noon and myself as "Two very savvy woman!"
For now, let me remind Americans that a while ago (January 2014), we personally tracked about 60 taxpayer-funded green energy projects/companies that had either gone bust or were circling the ECO-Sewer. And, I have a box full of more taxpayer-funded green failures to report on.
Who are these Green Gangsters?
Well, if you've been following our work, you'd know that these are President Obama's wealthy cronies: those with special access and influence that are cashing in on the green energy money and climate change cash as well as benefiting from "green" programs and climate mandates, rules, regulations and other maneuvers that accompany this huge scheme.
As our national debt fast approaches $20 trillion, the president's "Save the Planet Slush Fund" (outlined later), costing U.S. taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and counting, has been a vehicle to reward his political buddies. In following the money, we found that the winners of the "green" are those with meaningful political connections to the president and other high-ranking Democrats and/or their friends –– individuals who were campaign bundlers, fundraisers, top donors, members of Obama’s National Finance Committee, and/or large donors to the Democratic Party, with some even catapulting to "green" advisors, many of whom raised money for President Obama again in 2012.
Since July 2010 we have been exposing the fact that the big green deals involve cronies, collusion and tons of taxpayer cash. We have unleashed a treasure trove of evidence to back up this claim, which stems from over six years of extensive research. This also included ongoing House Oversight reports, and hearings; Department of Energy (DOE) internal emails; Energy and Commerce Committee Reports, Inspector General reports; Whistle blower Intel as well as 2012 Revelations (57-page, “Sensitive & Confidential” memo) that revealed the real intent behind Obama's trillion-dollar spending spree, of which $100 billion was earmarked for green energy.
We've analyzed various publications and non partisan studies covering the topic and so much more –– all leading to the conclusion that President Obama's green energy revolution and radical climate change agenda is a Big Green Heist: the largest, most expensive and deceptive case of crony capitalism in American History.
Considering that the Clinton Foundation has been operating inside the climate racket for some time, a year ago I published an overview on how many of these same "green players" are also donors to the Clinton Foundation.
After months of digging, I found tons more. Thus my final chapter will be devoted to proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the Democrat presumptive presidential nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is not on only in bed with Big Money (Wall Street, the Uber-Rich, special interests groups and lobbyists) Dark Money (Super PACS and Secret Cash), she's also bankrolled and in cahoots with –– directly and through her husband and her family foundation –– the wealthy Green Gangsters, who are robbing U.S. taxpayers in order to "save the planet."
What difference does it make?
Hunker down, because if Americans elect Mrs. Clinton as our next president –– an ultra-wealthy elite, establishment candidate –– this will ensure a third term of Obama with corruption and criminal activity on steroids, and not just in the area of green energy.
Crony capitalism will go nuclear!
While there are numerous ways you can "buy access to the Clintons," I'm only going to connect the dots to the Green Gangsters, which we've already established are rich political pals of President Obama as well as other high-ranking Democrats and their allies, who were awarded hundreds of billions of "green" taxpayer cash.
Keep in mind too; in order to expose them all, it would require a team of investigators. However, bear with me, because this lengthy report will provide enough evidence to prove a strong and horrendous hypocrisy case.
- *Denotes Clinton Foundation Donor directly and/or via founders, investors, officers, and other benefactors of that particular green energy company or project –– sometimes all of the above. In addition, many of these donors have participated in Clinton Foundation events.
- @Denotes those backing Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign –– financially, endorsements and otherwise as well as those tied to the Clintons in other ways.
- Also marked in red are Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related emails (found at WikiLeaks)
- FYI: The Clinton Foundation donors link
Hillary Backed by Foreign Funds, Big Money, Dark Money & Big Green Bucks
This election is about which candidate will nominate Supreme Court justices who are prepared to overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision which allows billionaires to buy elections and undermine our democracy. –– Senator Bernie Sanders endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, July 12, 2016
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July 12, 2016 Bernie and Hillary make nice / Photo from the LA Times |
That's not only because Hillary hid most of the evidence (she deleted nearly 32,000 State Department emails and wiped her home-grown sever clean), but also because President Obama is still running things and –– after all..."He's With Her."
Not to mention, Hillary's three and a half hour FBI "grilling" that occurred on Saturday, July 2, days after Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton for a half-hour on her government airplane at the Phoenix airport, the FBI did not have Mrs. Clinton "swear an oath to tell the truth" or even record it. This means that there is no transcript.
So we will NEVER know the truth.
Nevertheless, considering that the Clinton's have dodged punishment on numerous scandals over the decades, the fact that Hillary's "classified email" case is closed is no surprise: It was a prediction that many of us made from the get go.
This political mess only reinforces what many American citizens believe: The Clintons operate above the law and, well –– "rules don't apply to Hillary Clinton."
But what about all those blatant "Hillary Lies" that James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, inadvertently confirmed?
And, what about the FBI investigation into her family foundation that even the Left has hit her with?
We'll see...
Unfortunately, this email ordeal won't matter to most Americans, but what might have a slight impact on this election is Mrs. Clinton's deceit behind another key issue: The evils of Big Money operating inside U.S. politics.
This is where my story comes into play...
Thank you for joining me on this journey: It's gonna be fun!
Just as I had warned during the 2014 midterms, we can expect that Hillary and the Democrats' "class warfare rhetoric" that comes in all shapes and sizes, claiming their agenda props up the middle class, while professing their allegiance to the poor, will go into overdrive.
Even as many Americans are aware of these particular falsehoods, we must continue to lift the veil off of the Left's deception. We must remind the masses that this president and the Democratic Party are in bed with the rich, and are champions of crony capitalism and corporate welfare, crushing the middle class, while using the poor as pawns in their political game.
Mrs. Clinton, who hasn't driven a car since 1996, launched her presidential bid as “Everyday Americans Champion,” driving the false narrative that "poor Hillary" is one of us.
The reality is, notes Breitbart News, she's "champion of the privileged political class."
During the final stretch of this blog post, Bernie Sanders, on July 12, appeared on the campaign trail to endorse Hillary Clinton for president. It was momentous: With Mrs. Clinton in the background nodding her head like a Bobblehead (Rush Limbaugh caught it), Sanders ripped into Wall Street's "greed, recklessness and illegal behavior...." blah, blah, blah.
Then while bashing the rich, he also rambled on about the "grotesque level of income and wealth inequality that currently exists."
I fell on the floor with laughter when Sanders made this attack against money in politics: "This election is about which candidate will nominate Supreme Court justices who are prepared to overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision which allows billionaires to buy elections and undermine our democracy."
Who the heck does Bernie think is bankrolling Hillary's campaign?
Yep, Wall Street and the Uber-Rich.
But the delusion didn't stop there: "We have to...take back our democracy from the wealthy special interests, and make our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top," Hillary professed.
I wonder if this applies to her wealthy donors.
Stay tuned folks, because you about to meet a myriad of Mrs. Clinton's wealthy cronies that happen to be in the "green" business, who are not only filling her campaign coffers, but they have been funding her family foundation –– so many that it will make your head explode!
And this report only scratches the surface...
For starters, Sanders and Hillary forgot to mention that just as Wall Street bankrolled both of Barack Obama's presidential campaigns, they are huge Hillary backers –– all despite both these Democrats' campaign rhetoric against Wall Street –– with Hillary here last month.
Prior to Bernie, last month, in an effort to fool the masses into following "poor Hillary," they added the far, far left-wing Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts to her campaign hype and together they bashed Wall Street and the rich.
However, the dynamic duo (Clinton and Warren) forgot to mention that "Wall Street financial institutions have donated around $40 million to the eponymous family foundation," recently noted Breitbart News.
In fact, Senator Hillary Clinton has had the support of Big Banks (via "PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families") since the beginning of her political career. This includes at least three of her top donors that I've been tracking due to the fact that they are heavily involved in the green energy industry.
Combined these three mega banks, which were also top donors to Obama's presidential bids –– Goldman Sachs*@, Citigroup*@, and Bank of America*@ –– are making "bank off the green." They are, via various roles such as investors, financial advisors, bookrunners, handling IPO’s, and so on, are connected to tens of billions of taxpayer money just from the clean energy cash: Citigroup chronicled HERE in 2013, while Goldman Sachs and Bank of America can be found HERE inside this 2014 Green Corruption File.
Besides these and other Big Banks paying Hillary and her husband enormous speaking fees, all three have donated big to the Clinton Foundation: Goldman Sachs gave between $1 million to $5 million as well as between $250,000 to $500,000 via the Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund, while both Citigroup and Bank of America donated between $500,000 and $1 million.
And, so far they are "banking on" Hillary for 2016.
Moreover, this past April, the Center for Public Integrity wrote: "Hillary Clinton fashions herself as the ultimate general in a war against big-money politics" –– then added the following:
Clinton’s massive campaign machine is built of the very stuff — super PACs, secret cash, unlimited contributions — she says she’ll attack upon winning the White House.
Indeed, a Center for Public Integrity investigation reveals that Clinton’s own election efforts are largely immune from her reformist platform. While Clinton rails against “unaccountable money" that is “corrupting our political system,” corporations, unions and nonprofits bankrolled by unknown donors have already poured millions of dollars into a network of Clinton-boosting political organizations. That’s on top of the tens of millions an elite club of Democratic megadonors, including billionaires George Soros and Haim Saban, have contributed.
This is at the heart of Hillary's Horrendous Hypocrisy: She's the "Queen of Big Money in Politics" that she is railing against.
"Our democracy should work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected." –– Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign finance reform message
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Hillary's Democracy means, "enriching her rich friends." Graphic from HillaryClinton.com |
In fact, Hillary is already backed by many Super PACS, raising hundreds of millions of dollars to see her in the White House –– all documented at The Center for Responsive Politics:
- Hillary for America (Her Campaign)
- Priorities USA Action
- Correct the Record
- Ready PAC
- Blue Answer PAC
- Balance of Power PAC
- Faith Voters PAC
- America's Teachers
- BillForFirstLady2016.Com
- African Americans for Hillary
Meanwhile, even as we connect the "green" to Hillary, her husband and her family foundation, there have been many damning revelations exposing the "Clinton Crime Family Foundation" –– "a $200 billion global empire, which began in 1997 –– that has now become apparent is a "massvie charity fraud," along with its ties to shady foreign funds.
First is the 2015 blockbuster book by Peter Schweizer, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, detailing "how the Clintons use their political power for personal gain."
This book was followed by an explosive documentary that premiered at Cannes on May 16 and opens in the U.S. on July 24 just in time for the Democratic National Convention.
There's also a new bombshell book by Jerome Corsi, Partners in Crime: The Clintons' Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit, which will be published in August.
Driven by insatiable greed while crying they were near-broke, the couple schemed and Hillary used her position as secretary of state to leverage lucrative deals for the Foundation as well as six-figure speaking fees for Bill Clinton.In the meantime headlines have emerged pointing to the ugly hypocrisy: "For years, Hillary Clinton's State Department has ripped the human rights records of many Middle Eastern governments, all while her family foundation raked in millions from these same repressive regimes."
The Daily Caller June 16 headline reads: "The Nations Clinton Bashes For Terrorism Funding Gave UP TO $40 MILLION To Clinton Foundation.
But... Bill's gotta pay his bills!
Hillary & the Dem's Green Agenda, Climate Change Platform Goes Far, Far Away to Never-Never Land: Will cost American citizens chunks of our liberty & boatloads of cash.
I won’t let anyone take us backward, deny our economy the benefits of harnessing a clean energy future, or force our children to endure the catastrophe that would result from unchecked climate change. –– Hillary Clinton, NOVEMBER 29, 2015First it's important to remember that the Clinton Foundation has been pushing climate change for sometime as reflected in their mission statement: "In communities across the globe, our programs are proving that we can confront the debilitating effects of climate change in a way that makes sense for governments, businesses, and economies."
On the other hand, the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI), which is reported to be the "global warming vision" of Bill Clinton and his pal Ira Magaziner, the CEO and Vice Chairman of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), and the brains behind the Clinton Foundation, began in December 2005.
Last year, I tracked tons of climate change (green energy) activism projects on the CGI docket, of which numerous are either spearheaded by Clinton-Obama green cronies or they are part of the deals.
But if we go back in time: Around a year after the CCI was formally announced (2007), Hillary calmly championed "protecting our planet;" however, by September 2014 she jumped into the "climate change hysteria" bandwagon.
Now, Mrs. Clinton is pimping her expensive climate agenda that starts at the cost of $60 billion over 10 years, and of course, can only be paid for by higher taxes, yet it props up her corporate allies, green cronies, and her family foundation friends.
But it's all good because WE all get FREE solar panels!
Meanwhile, "endorsements from major environmental groups" seem to imply that the green movement has Hillary's back.
One in particular is the Sierra Club, whose radical ECO-Agenda is "to end American oil and gas production," which fits nicely with Mrs. Clinton's pledge to "kill the coal industry" that would put tens of thousands, if not millions of Americans out of work.
Just weeks ago, Breitbart News recorded Hillary sharing her advice "during a town hall with YouTube creators in Los Angeles, California" on what American citizens can do to combat global warming: "Drive less and reduce personal use of electricity," Hillary chimed in –– even as she and her rich liberal minions, who individually have "carbon footprints" larger than my entire city, are living large flying around in private jets
OK. Sure.
Stay alert because the Democratic Party Platform is moving "Climate Change and Clean Energy" beyond “all of the above” to "far, far away to Never-never land." They are not only forwarding the fatal global warming narrative, but demanding America goes "all green" ––– thus costing American citizens chunks of our liberty and boatloads of our cash.
In fact, columnist Paul Driessen describes the Dem's energy platform this way: "This Big Green, Bigger Government, Democratic ideology represents destructive madness."
Core News adds another layer to this Communist shift, which confirms how the Clinton Camp convinced Socialist Bernie Sanders to endorse Wall Street's Hillary:
Democrats have fully embraced the “Sanders Manifesto” by drafting a Party Platform based on the extreme ideas of avowed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders. The Democratic Party Platform shifts the Party radically to the left, with an extreme new National Energy Tax at the core.
Calling for a New National Tax on Energy would devastate businesses and families by taking their hard-earned money and redistributing it to cronies in the green-energy sector. The tax would lower wage rates by 8.5 percent and could cost more than 20 million jobs over the next fifty years. Such a tax would kill millions of jobs by picking the winners and losers in the energy sector...
Remember Carol M. Browner*@?
According to The Weekly Standard, Browner was at the center of this madness: She led the "energy and environment representatives on the 15-person panel, which was responsible for establishing the Democratic Party's official positions."
But let's go back in time: Browner served as the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President Bill Clinton. She is also a Clinton Foundation donor, contributing between $5,000 and $10,000.
Browner is a former political operative for the former Vice-President Al Gore –– a Green Gangster that supported Obama, but has yet to stand with Hillary that we'll get to later.
She is also a secret left-wing radical, a 2008 Obama bundler, who became part of the Obama-Biden Transition Team, who was later promoted to the president’s 2009 Green Team as the Climate Czar, which placed her at the center of green corruption. Browner not only “pushed for billions of dollars for renewable energy in the economic stimulus bill,” she was part of the decision-making process inside the Energy Department’s (DOE) controversial Loan Guarantee Program, which at the time of her departure had doled out $34.7 billion of taxpayer money.
These DOE "Junk Loans" were awarded to President Obama and other high-ranking Democrats' wealthy green cronies (bundlers, big donors and allies), of which, now we can confirm are also tied to the Clintons.
In early 2011, Browner abruptly resigned from her climate post. And, in 2013, she served on the Advisory Committee of the Export-Import Bank, which then placed her inside the taxpayer-funded Crony Bank that "financed themselves, their friends and Obama-Clinton wealthy green cronies" –– all documented in my June 2015 Green Corruption File.
Last but not least, Ms. Browner is also a "Distinguished Senior Fellow" at, and a donor of, the powerful progressive group, Center for American (CAP), where she has been a major force since its founding in 2003.
Due to the fact that CAP is the dark, driving force behind President Obama's massive green energy scheme, be prepared to meet many members, donors and ties to this group throughout this blog, as well as how they've emerged as Hillary's right arm.
But then again: The Browner piece of this green scandal reinforce the egregious "revolving door" operating inside DC as well as the fact that it shows just how incestuous and corrupt "green" operates.
Worse, reported the Daily Caller, "Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year have unanimously adopted a provision calling for the Department of Justice to investigate companies who disagree with Democrats on global warming science."
Despite the fact that the climate science debate is NOT settled, this "Climate Inquisition" is already happening.
Clinton Racking up Endorsements & Cash from Her Big Corporate Allies: They & her family foundation stand to benefit big from Hillary & the Dem's green agenda & climate
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Graphic from the Washington Examiner |
Obviously, the Clinton Foundation stands to benefit immensely from Hillary and the Democratic Party's "green" platform, but for now we'll get back to following the Big Money.
What Americans need to know is that Clinton is not only backed by her Uber-Rich pals, Wall Street and Big Labor, of which all, including Unions, are funneling money into her family foundation, she is now racking up endorsements from Big Corporate Allies where we find many Green Gangsters in the mix.
Just check out these headlines:
- July 31, 2014, by the Washington Post: "Hundreds of big donors, including Obama bundlers, are ‘Ready for Hillary'"
- July 21, 2015, by CNBC: "Clinton rakes in Wall Street cash amid tough talk"
- July 28, 2015 by the Washington Examiner: "Clinton's 'clean energy' agenda would benefit corporate allies"
- November 19, 2015, by the Washington Post: "41 years. $3 billion. Inside the Clinton donor network."
- June 30, 2016 by the Washington Free Beacon: "Hillary Clinton Bundlers Stand to Benefit from Pledged Green Energy Subsidies"
- June 23, 2016 by POLITICO: "Hillary Clinton racks up business endorsements"
Worse is that a May 2015 report by the Washington Examiner documents a startling Clinton connection: Their "analysis of Fortune 100 companies discovered donations to the Clinton Foundation were heavily concentrated among firms that also spent money swaying the State Department while Clinton ran the agency [see graphic above]."
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Graphic from "Good Jobs First" March 2015 Report |
NOTE: While Good Jobs First documents the subsidies since 2000, the majority of these were green funds doled out by the Obama administration.
- First numbers: State/Local as well as Federal (grants and allocated tax credits)
- Second numbers: Federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance
Unfortunately, tracking down all of the "green" inside these Big Corporations as well as their connections would require a team of investigators. Moreover, there is a lot more ground to cover. Therefore, below are some key examples:
#1) Billionaire Warren E. Buffett *@, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.:
President Obama's billionaire buddy Warren Buffett, among other green deals, through his firm Berkshire Hathaway Energy, has won a ton of "green" taxpayer cash.
While his energy firm that is "Committed to Clean Energy" is part of the $3 Billion First Solar Swindle (the Topaz Solar Farm), Buffett has invested billions of dollars into wind power in order to get federal subsidies.
But is all that "green" for the planet?
Not necessarily, because Mr. Buffett had this to say of the wind tax credits in 2014: “That’s the only reason to build them... They don’t make sense without the tax credit.”
Still, Buffett is backing Mrs. Clinton for president: He's been out campaigning with her and even made a special ad for Hillary. In addition, Buffett is filling her campaign coffers with cash –– directly, via the “Ready for Hillary” Super PAC as well as other shady liberal venues.
While I've been unable to find that Buffett donated directly to the Clinton Foundation, the Washington Free Beacon found that his son, "Peter Buffett has donated between $250,000 and $500,000" and that "the Susan T. Buffett Foundation, named for Warren Buffett’s late wife, is also a Clinton Foundation donor," giving between $10,000 and 25,000.
Moreover, we do know that Buffet is a "Trustee" at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation where's he's been a huge donor to them for over 10 years.
Meanwhile, billionaire Bill Gates* (another big green player we'll get to later), who is the Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is a big participant of, and huge donor to the Clinton Foundation, giving over $25 million.
#2) First Solar Inc. *@:
Speaking of First Solar, "a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) solar energy solutions," that carries many Obama-Clinton cronies. This is another green firm that was propped up by US taxpayer, of which we began tracking in the summer of 2012. They were huge winners of those Energy Department "junk stimulus loans" as well as tons of cash from other green government programs.
Good Jobs First calculates that First Solar scored $79,464,812 in state/local green subsidies as well as federal (grants and allocated tax credits). There's also the $837,074,514 in federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance, which does not include the $3 billion that we reported on.
NOTE: First Solar Deals include the following Big Corporations that are also found on "Uncle Sam’s Favorite Corporations" list, and two are confirmed Clinton Foundation donors.
- NextEra Energy that scored $2,385,022,879 / $3,113,600,000 –– DOE stimulus loan winner for 2 green projects in California: The Desert Sunlight Solar Farm as well as the Genesis solar plant
- NRG Energy that scored $2,694,859,933 / $3,630,939,300 –– DOE stimulus loan winner for 3 green projects detailed below; however initially, in 2011, NRG Energy received $1.4 billion for Project Amp/Photon that was also backed by Bank of America; however it was pulled in 2013.
- Exelon that scored $905,144,636 / $646,000,000 –– DOE stimulus loan winner for 1 green project: Antelope Valley Solar Ranch in California ($646 million in September 2011)
#3) David Crane, Former CEO of NRG Energy, Inc. *@:
Due to the fact that NRG Energy was largest recipient of President Obama’s "green" junk stimulus loans, since 2012, we've written extensively about this mega firm as well as its CEO at the time.
As a reminder below are the Department of Energy (DOE) loans that occurred while David Crane, another frequent Obama White House visitor and a pal of the Clintons, was CEO of NRG Energy.
- NRG Energy received $1.4 billion for Project Amp/Photon that was also backed by Bank of America; however it was pulled in 2013.
- Agua Caliente solar generation in Arizona ($967 million in August 2011) –– First Solar designed and constructed the plant and operates and maintains the facility for owners NRG Energy and MidAmerican Solar, which is part of MidAmerican Renwables that is Warren Buffet’s energy investment.
- California Valley Solar Ranch ($1.2 billion in September 2011, yet Good Jobs First places this as a project of High Plains Ranch II, LLC that operates as a subsidiary of NRG Yield Operating LLC, with the loan amount over $1.8 billion) / and in 2014, this project snagged $285,012,000 of free US taxpayer cash from the 1603 Grant Program
- Ivanpah Solar in California ($1.6 billion in April 2011) –– also owned by BrightSource Energy and Google
However, it was my November 2014 Green Corruption File ("Not Enough Sun Shining at California Ivanpah Solar Plant: $1.6 billion shady stimulus deal tied to numerous wealthy Obama cronies now expect $539 million of free taxpayer cash") that stirred up a lot of clean energy dirt: the cronies, collusion and cash.
Later I found that the this Ivanpah project got a second bailout from the 1603 Grant Program:
- Solar Partners I, LLC: 12/17/14 for $180,713,098.00
- Solar Partners II, LLC: 12/17/14 for $174,080,773.00
- Solar Partners VIII, LLC: 12/17/14 for $180,911,450.00
This huge solar deal comprises of big donors, political connections that go beyond NRG Energy, which are also big Clinton Foundation donors that will be tackled later. We also know via internal DOE emails that during the time of the loan review process, Crane also met with key DOE officials and was fraternizing with those involved with the initial $1.6 billion DOE deal.
Last but not least, Crane is a "friend" of Senator Harry Reid, who, the last time I checked (November 2013), I found that this corrupt career politician was directly linked to over $3 billion of those same loans, including Ivanpah.
This past May, the Ivanpah Solar Plant caught on fire.
Meanwhile, Mr. Crane, NRG Energy's highly paid president and CEO since 2003 (and stock owner), in December 2015, stepped down from this mega firm "in the face of investor unhappiness over his investments in renewable energy..." reported the Wall Street Journal.
Ironically, back in 2011, his arrogance was on full display when Crane had this to say: “I have never seen anything that I have had to do in my 20 years in the power industry that involved less risk than these projects.” “It is just filling the desert with panels,” he added.
Crane was referring to how NRG Energy and its partners secured $5.2 billion in federal loan guarantees, plus hundreds of millions in other subsidies for four large solar projects.
At any rate Crane is major Democratic donor that personally placed his bet on Hillary as a bundler, only to later, and along with other NRG executives, side with then-Senator Obama –– and again in 2012.
So it's no surprise that Crane is backing Hillary's 2016 presidential bid.
Last May, I exposed how being a friend of the Clintons as well as a million-dollar big donor and a guest blogger for the Clinton Foundation has been very lucrative for NRG Energy and David Crane in of all places... Haiti.
However, in snooping around Hillary's emails from her private server during the four years she was secretary of state (from WikiLeaks archive), we discover some fishy business surrounding that billion-dollar donation and Haiti.
It turns out that David Crane on January 21, 2010, shortly after the January 12, 2010 devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti, "killing more than 160,000 and displacing close to 1.5 million people," reached out to Burns Strider for help.
In an email (Addendum 1) with the subject line, "Catch Up," Crane first thanks Strider for
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Clinton Email Addendum 1 |
Crane added, "My hope is that you can further help me with two very different requests related to the Haitian tragedy:"
- .... Given President Clinton's normal powers of persuasion and his passion for improving Haiti even before the earthquake (it was the only thing he wanted to talk about when Isabella and I met with him in November), he would have little difficulty recruiting a group of appropriate CEOs to form an "advisory council on Haitian infrastructure" (which then could springboard to greater things and deeper commitments). If you could reach out to the appropriate person on President Clinton's staff, we of course would be available to assist in giving shape to the concept, compiling a list of names of infrastructure CEOs, etc.
- On a much more personal note REDACTED
Crane then goes on:
Burns, I know President Clinton is devoting all of his herculean energy to humanitarian relief for Haiti at the macro level, but knowing his humanistic approach, there must be someone on his staff who can help with these type of individual situations. REDACTED HERE TOO
He then signs the email:
I really appreciate your assistance with respect to both of these matters. Please do not hesitate to contact me night or day on my cell phone Come visit us in Princeton. Best regards, David Crane
Now, it's important to know that Burns Strider was Hillary 2008 "faith advisor" known to have sent several "requests for help" to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton via her private email account.
"Strider previously served as executive vice president at American Bridge and Correct the Record, two outside groups supporting Clinton's 2016 presidential candidacy," noted POLITICO. Yet, they forgot to mention that the Correct the Record, on May 12, 2015, launched a New Pro-Clinton Super PAC, where Burns Strider continued in his role as senior advisor.
That same day (Jan 21, 2010), Burns did forward this message to Hillary:
Wanted you to see both requests/comments from David Crane...
Burns Strider
The next day, Secretary of State Clinton, with the subject line, "Subject: Fw: FYI... David Crane... Fw: Catch up," along with what seems to be attachments, that was labeled "Importance: High," then forwards this message to her Special Assistant Lauren Jiloty, writing, "Pls print."
#4) Google*@:
In short, Google –– another Big Eco-Hypocrite –– plays the political game well: it's all about access and influence, starting with campaign contributions. Google’s $814,540 contribution to then-Senator Obama’s campaign made it the fifth largest donor in 2008, while Google executives were among biggest donors to Obama's 2009 inauguration.
In 2012, Google, moved up to the number three spot of Obama's top donors with a whopping $805,119.
Furthermore, Google's CEO at the time, billionaire Eric Schmidt, served as an informal advisor to President Obama. Schmidt, Google Executive Chairman, was also an Obama donor in 2008, and since April 2009, is (was) a member of the president's Science and Technology Advisory Council (PCAST).
While there are many inside the Google family (wealthy co-founders, executives, and board members) that supported and were bundlers for Obama's presidential campaigns, what's key here is that a while ago, Google aimed its "search engines" at green technology via Green Google, (now CV) and other green deals, of which a huge chunk received government subsidies.
During the course of my research (January 8, 2013, January 22, 2013, September 13, 2013 and November 16, 2014), I discovered that "Google's Green" scored billions in green taxpayer subsidies from the Obama administration for numerous projects and companies
This lists not only includes the $2 billion Ivanpah shady solar deal, well as some smaller deals, but also companies that we'll address later such as SolarCity and Tesla Motors.
In the mix are some Big Wind projects that are being funded by taxpayers such as Shepherd’s Flat in Oregon and the Alta Wind Energy Center in California that are both tied to numerous green cronies.
There's also Silver Spring Networks@ (Google is an investor) that was propped up by taxpayers: $1.3 billion in smart-grid stimulus grants that we divulged a few times. This "green" firm, which also happens to be a Clinton Foundation donor ($10k-$25k), also carries many "green friends" of the president such as Foundation Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers*@ –– with the latter to be profiled later.
Aside from Google's clean energy investments that won taxpayer support from the Obama White House, Good Jobs First documented that Alphabet Inc., has scored their fair share of state and local subsidies: $734,388,365.
This mega company, who "over the past seven years, created a remarkable partnership with the Obama White House" (documented The Intercept), is now in the spotlight with some asserting that “Google is now Hillary’s secret weapon.”
Despite the fact that Google's official political PAC, NETPAC supports both Democrats and Republicans, this cycle, Alphabet, the parent company for online search giant Google, has officially endorsed Hillary.
In the meantime Google is a huge Clinton Foundation donor, giving between $500,000 and $1 million, some of which they gave in the first quarter of 2016. Google's Executive Chairman Schmidt (Obama's billionaire buddy), who personally donated anywhere from $5000 to $10,000 to the Clinton Foundation, is backing Hillary for president via some shady organization. According to news report, "Schmidt funded a little-known start up called The Groundwork, which is "providing consulting services" to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Now, at this point in my story, we could spend an exhaustive amount of time exposing the rest of the Big Corporations ("Uncle Sam's Favorite") that scored billions of green cash that are now supporting Hillary and/or have donated big to the Clinton Foundation such as Duke Energy* ($1 million to $5 million), General Electric*@ ($1 million to $5 million/ in 2016 too), and General Motors*@ ($50,000 to $100,000).
However, there are many other key areas to visit, yet the following will be covered in their designated area.
- Brook Byers, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers *@
- Billionaire John Doerr *@, Partner at Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield, and Byers
- SolarCity*@
- The Podesta Group*@
President Obama’s "Save the Planet Slush Fund" –– Green Energy Money & Climate Change Cash –– Could Reach Half-Trillion Dollars
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2010: President Obama promoting Solyndra |
Before we expose more Green Gangsters, it's important keep in mind we have tracked President Obama’s "Save the Planet Slush Fund" at costing American taxpayers over $250 billion, which factored in over $100 billion that was earmarked for renewable energy inside the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) –– AKA the 2009-Stimulus Package.
This figure included the March 2012 Report by the Brookings Institute that placed the Obama administrations' "total government spending (both stimulus and non-stimulus) on green initiatives at $150 billion through 2014" (direct spending, tax expenditures and loans or loan guarantees), which factored in the Department of Energy's (DOE) controversial Loan Guarantee Program (“junk bond portfolio"), which had initially doled out $34.7 billion of taxpayer money.
However, this outdated report left out many other green programs as well as various extensions of the clean energy stimulus programs and climate change cash that has been distributed by the Obama administration.
Besides the fact that the DOE continues to subsidize clean energy, there are also many stimulus-created programs that have been extended and are still doling out "the green." One of the largest is the 1603 Grant Program run by the US Department of Treasury, of which as of May 5, 2016, has handed out $24.9 billion of free "green" taxpayer cash.
Meanwhile, a 2015 Report by the Institute for Energy Research (IER), noted, "President Obama subsidized solar and other renewable energy in the United States with taxpayer money to the tune of $39 billion per year on average for the past 5 years. This report reflects that Obama's green tab is closer to $200 billion.
Other than the DOE and Treasury Department, there's also the Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. that are spending billions of taxpayer money every year on clean energy.
Did you know that there's a green war being waged?
Yep, back in 2012, the Washington Free Beacon reported that "the Department of Defense (DOD) has launched more green energy initiatives than any other federal agency and many are duplicative and wasteful..."
How much that is costing American taxpayers is anyone's guess.
We also find taxpayer money being spent on "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Incentives," which runs across many federal government agencies.
And what about those state and local government agencies and programs that are giving out "green" subsidies at the demand of the Obama White House?
Well, we do have an estimate when it comes to Big Wind that factors all local, state, and federal subsidies as well as federal loans and loan guarantees received by companies on the American Wind Energy Association’s board of directors since 2000, of which the majority was given out via the Obama administration.
Last month, the National Review documented a piece entitled, "Wind-Energy Sector Gets $176 Billion Worth of Crony Capitalism," of which they noted the following:
Keep in mind that the $176 billion figure in wind-energy subsidies is a minimum number. It counts only subsidies given to companies on AWEA’s board. Not counted are subsidies handed out to companies like Google, which got part of a $490 million federal cash grant for investing in an Oregon wind project. Nor does it include the $1.5 billion in subsidies given to SunEdison, the now-bankrupt company that used to have a seat on AWEA’s board.
We'll get back to SunEdison later, but first let's take a look at the "Climate Change Cash" that is being funneled to friends and foreign firms, both here in the US and around the globe.
Most Americans are aware that the State Department continually pimps out the cataclysmic climate change narrative. Some may even know that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in January 2009, first appointed Todd Stern (another Clinton ally) to be the "Special Envoy for Climate Change."
According to reports, Stern, who "is widely considered to be one of the key architects and driving forces behind the Paris Climate Accord," this past April, left his climate post.
Did you know that the State Department also spends taxpayer money on green deals?
Besides all the Chevy Volts the State Department purchased in 2012, last March we reported on Hillary's Hibachi Racket (the global clean cookstoves movement) that she cooked up at State with her friends and her family foundation, which is costing US taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars ($325 million through 2020).
In addition, Obama's State Department is "Mobilizing Climate Finance" at a rapid pace, which is reflected in the following report:
Since 2009, the United States has ramped up climate finance for developing countries fourfold. Between 2010 and 2015, the United States allocated $15.6 billion in climate finance for adaptation, clean energy, and sustainable landscapes activities. The United States prioritizes assistance to vulnerable countries and communities, particularly in Africa, least developed countries, small island developing states, and glacier-dependent countries. Results and examples of U.S. cooperation and assistance to developing countries from 2010 to 2015 are included in the following overview report [U.S. Climate Finance Report].
The above includes funding the U.N. Climate Racket, of which President Obama, in November 2014, pledged that the United States would contribute $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund (GCL) –– which most deem as a "Slush Fund for Dictators." This past March, the president, without Congressional approval, cut a check to the GCL for $500 million –– funds that were approved this month by a senate panel.
The Big Green Heist is all about Power & Profit
What most don't know is that the president's green energy revolution and colossal climate change crusade, costing US taxpayers hundreds of billion of dollars (maybe even half-trillion) only works with clean energy mandates, rules, regulations as well as a string of executive orders.
This scam of epic proportions is also surrounded by an enormous fear-mongering campaign to scare the masses into submission and control every aspect of our lives.
President Obama, the "King of Regulations," is not bothered by the fact that these debilitating "green moves," such as the Climate Action Plan, because they benefit the Left's special interest groups as well as his wealthy green friends, while adversely affecting American families and hurting the poor.
But then again, those us paying attention know that this Big Green Heist is all about Power and Profit.
Still, control and fear are not the only weapons in their climate arsenal. Lately the president and the Democrats have been enforcing "ECO-Justice," which in reality is a means for the federal government "to expand its jurisdiction, control, and influence."
Even as the battle over climate science rages on, these "Global Warming Gangsters" are demonizing, harassing and mocking those of us that question global warming or the impending Ice Age they predicted decades ago.
In a truly unprecedented move ("war on free speech"), this past March, former vice president, climate billionaire Al Gore unleashed his "Global Warming Police Force" (the AGs United for Clean Power coalition) in order to criminalize climate-change dissenters.
While this ECO-Insanity is still unfolding (found May 17 HERE, Jun 4 HERE, June 15 HERE and HERE and HERE), Michael Savage accurately called it what it is: "This is pure unadulterated Soviet fascism."
But that's not all...
"Green Gangsters" –– Gates, Doerr, Khosla, Soros & Steyer –– Launch New Green Global Mission: Sets stage to rob U.S. of more taxpayer money
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2015: World Leaders Launch Mission Innovation to steal more US taxpayer money
credit: Gobierno de Chile –– found
at MI website
This past February, President Obama laid out his 2017 Department of Energy (DOE) Budget that "provides a total of $32.5 billion, $30.2 billion in discretionary funding and $2.3 billion in new mandatory funding in FY 2017 to support the DOE in the areas of nuclear security, clean energy, environmental cleanup, climate change response, science and innovation."
This DOE budget includes using taxpayer money to advance the president and his rich friends' green global quest, "Mission Innovation: Accelerating the Clean Energy Revolution," which was launched at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris.
Mr. Obama's proposal for this climate change mission is to "double federal investment in clean energy research and development from $6.4 billion in FY 2016 to $12.8 billion in FY 2021."
At that same green global gathering, "Breakthrough Energy Coalition" (28 wealthy investors from 10 countries, so far), an independent initiative spearheaded by Bill Gates, was put into motion.
While the Obama White House claims that this group is "not formally affiliated with Mission Innovation," there is a strong connection and plenty of collusion going on behind the scenes.
Besides some notorious American liberal billionaires such as Jeff Bezos (Founder and CEO, Amazon), Reid Hoffman (Founder, LinkedIn and Partner, Greylock), and Mark Zuckerberg (Founder, Chairman and CEO, Facebook), the Breakthrough Energy Coalition also includes the following Green Gangsters, of which I will provide a brief profile.
Obama, in 2011, dines with the heads of Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Facebook,
Twitter and a few familiar "Green Gangsters." Photo / The
Daily Mail: From left-to-right (clockwise): Eric Schmidt, Arthur D
Levinson, John T Chambers, John Doerr, Larry Ellison, Reed Hastings, John L
Hennessy, Carol Bartz, Dick Costolo,
Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Steve Westly, Ann Doerr
#1) Billionaire Bill Gates: Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation*
Billionaire Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, business magnet and philanthropist, was highlight with his pal billionaire Warren Buffet, noting that Gates is a big participant of, and huge donor to the Clinton Foundation, giving over $25 million.
A while ago (2013), we unleashed the "Obama Algae" and "Obama Biofuel Bucks" stories, divulging that Gates via his firm, Cascade Investment, was an early investor (2008) in a company called Sapphire Energy with a plan making auto fuel from algae.
Sapphire Energy, in December 2009, received a $50 million grant from the Energy Department and then in November 2011, a loan guarantee from the US Department of Agriculture for up to $54.5 million through the Biorefinery Assistance Program. Yet, it was reported that Sapphire Energy had paid off its USDA loan for the plant operating in New Mexico.
Billionaire Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, business magnet and philanthropist, was highlight with his pal billionaire Warren Buffet, noting that Gates is a big participant of, and huge donor to the Clinton Foundation, giving over $25 million.
A while ago (2013), we unleashed the "Obama Algae" and "Obama Biofuel Bucks" stories, divulging that Gates via his firm, Cascade Investment, was an early investor (2008) in a company called Sapphire Energy with a plan making auto fuel from algae.
Sapphire Energy, in December 2009, received a $50 million grant from the Energy Department and then in November 2011, a loan guarantee from the US Department of Agriculture for up to $54.5 million through the Biorefinery Assistance Program. Yet, it was reported that Sapphire Energy had paid off its USDA loan for the plant operating in New Mexico.
While there isn't much public information on Cascade Investments, we know that Sapphire Energy*, which carries many green cronies, donated between $1,000 and $5,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Even as Microsoft donates to both sides of the political isle, this mega firm was a top donor to Barack Obama both in 2008 and 2012. Meanwhile in 2012, Bill and Melinda Gates personally contributed $71,800 to Democrats –– and, well... Mr. Gates is considering supporting Hillary for president.
#2) Billionaire John Doerr: General Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers*@
President Obama's billionaire climate cronies, John Doerr and former Vice-President Al Gore are partners at the Big Venture Capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (Doerr now KPCB Chair and Gore senior partner).
In the meantime, Gore's Generation Investment Management (GIM) firm, which was created in 2004 along with a few Goldman Sachs big wigs, in 2007, formed "an alliance" with KPCB, of which it was at that time that Gore joined KPCB as a partner and Doerr joined GIM's Advisory Board.
There's been enough said about Gore and his global warming hype, but what most don't know is that Doerr, considered "a very big-ticket Obama donor," early on shaped what went into the energy sector of the president's 2009-Stimulus package, of which his firm benefited big time.
Back in 2013, we exposed the fact that these two firms combined are tied to at least $10 billion of Obama's taxpayer funded green-energy spending spree, of which quite a few have gone bust: Fisker Automotive, Abengoa, and MiaSolé come to mind.
Yet, this figure doesn't factor in Silver Spring Networks* (mentioned earlier with Google*@ where Doerr is a board member) as well as O'Power that are both tied to $1.3 billion of the stimulus smart-grid grants.
Due to then-Senator John Kerry's (now Secretary of State) part in this green energy scheme, including his timely investment in both of Doerr’s greentech funds—Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers XIII and the KPCB Green Growth Fund, we covered our "Climate Change Fearmonger in Chief" at that time as well.
From February 2011, until it shut down in early February 2013, Doerr served as a member of President Obama's Jobs Council, which was a spin off from Obama's 2009 PERAB –– and where many Wealthy Green Cronies sat. This included Jeffrey Immelt CEO of General Electric*@, the heir to the Hyatt Hotel and Pritzker family fortune Penny Pritzker*@; Lewis Hay, the executive chairman of NextEra Energy*; Richard Dean "Dick" Parsons from Citigroup*@, which are tied to tens of billions of clean energy funds.
More on Penny and Citigroup later...
In the meantime, back in February 2011, Doerr hosted a star-studded billionaire Silicon Valley dinner for the president (see photo above) and is now a board member of the Barack Obama Foundation, which was established in 2014.
While Gore stumped for Obama's 2008 presidential bid, and his pal from GIM David Blood (former Goldman Sachs bigwig) was a 2012 Obama bundler, it's unclear where he stands at this juncture, confusing many in the media: "Why has Gore, who served as Bill Clinton’s vice president, not supported Bill’s wife Hillary?"
Nevertheless, we do know that the VC billionaire buddy of Obama, John Doerr, as well as other Kleiner Perkins' partners, have officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
It's really no surprise because Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers has donated between $10,000 and $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation, while Ann and L. John Doerr (the happy couple pictured above in 2011 toasting to success, along with President Obama and other wealthy pals) together gave the Clinton Foundation anywhere between $100, 000 and $250,000.
#3) Billionaire Vinod Khosla*: Founder, Khosla Ventures
Here we another Obama billionaire buddy (Obama's Republican), Vinod Khosla, who was head of Obama's India Policy Team during the 2008 election." By 2012, Mr. Khosla donated one million dollars to Priorities USA Action, a top liberal super PAC that backed President Barack Obama’s reelection. In 2013, Khosla even hosted President Obama at a fundraising dinner at his home in Portola Valley.
Mr. Vinod, the founder of Khosla Ventures, a while ago, was labeled as "one of the most influential venture capitalists in Silicon Valley," was also an affiliated partner of Kleiner Perkins (now a PARTNER EMERITUS). His firm Khosla Ventures has also invested in some of the same renewable energy companies as Kleiner Perkins –– many of which were documented in my January 2013 Green Corruption File.
In January 2014, Khosla was featured a in 60 Minutes Piece called "The Cleantech Crash;" however, the host, Lesley Stahl, among other mistakes, failed to mention that Vinod was also a huge VC winner in Obama's taxpayer-funded green spending spree, including wind, solar, and geothermal.
The big win for Khosla was in the biofuel category, which was divulged in my August 2013 post, documenting ten biofuel investments by Khosla –– and all but one had received green energy grants, loans and/or government contracts totaling over $800 million.
While there is evidence that Mr. Khosla was part of the 2006 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) conference, announcing a "climate change venture," where partners committed to create a $1,000,000,000 "Green Fund," it's unclear how much he gave the Clinton Foundation at that time.
Moreover, it's unclear if Mr. Khosla will endorse Hillary for president.
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Hillary & Soros / Date and photo credit unknown |
It's important to reiterate that liberal billionaire George Soros (investor and philanthropist), bankrolled both of Barack Obama's presidential bids as well as the fact he has a massive footprint inside this green racket –– all documented in my March 2013 Green Corruption File, connecting Soros to "green deals" that exceeded $11 billion of taxpayer money.
What's interesting too is that Soros established the Open Society Foundations "to help countries make the transition from Communism," yet here in the U.S. he funds numerous the left wing groups such as Center for American Progress (CAP), the “anti-Fox” Media Matters and Moveon.org, as well as radical environmentalism groups such as Tides Foundation* ($50k-$100k) –– the latter happens to be a Clinton Foundation donor.
Most know that Soros, among the wealthiest people in America, has long, deep and shady ties to the Democratic Party, more specifically to Hillary Clinton.
In addition, Soros is a top contributor to the Clinton Foundation: Between $1 million and $ 5 million via the Open Society Institute and between $500,000 and $1 million via the Soros Foundation.
Most know that Soros, among the wealthiest people in America, has long, deep and shady ties to the Democratic Party, more specifically to Hillary Clinton.
In addition, Soros is a top contributor to the Clinton Foundation: Between $1 million and $ 5 million via the Open Society Institute and between $500,000 and $1 million via the Soros Foundation.
So, it's no surprise that she kept Big Donor Soros on speed dial (oh, I mean secret emails) while she was secretary of state, which was exposed by the Washington Post a while back: "How Hillary Clinton kept her wealthy friends close while at State Department."
And it's no surprise that Soros is bankrolling Mrs. Clinton's presidential campaign as a top donor. According to POLITICO, by January he had donated "$8 million to boost Hillary," which was executed via three Pro-Clinton Super PACS –– you know the "secret money" in politics that Hillary has "pledged" to abolish.
As of late, the Washington Examiner warned that Soros has funded "liberal zombies" and they are headed to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland" this week to bring confusion, disarray and trouble..."
Stay tuned...
#5) Billionaire Tom Steyer*@: Businessman, Philanthropist, and President, NextGen Climate
Meet the political powerhouse, California liberal billionaire Tom Steyer, an American hedge fund manager, philanthropist, and environmentalist, who has emerged as an ECO-Superhero and major source of cash for Democrats.
Steyer is a long-time donor to Democratic causes, who has catapulted to the title of "Top Liberal Megadonor." While he was an early supporter of Hillary Clinton in 2008, after her failed campaign, Steyer materialized as one of Barack Obama’s most prolific fundraisers, including as a bundler in 2012.
Like most prominent Obama fundraisers, Steyer, over the years, has enjoyed relatively easy access to the White House. A darling of the Washington Post, who back in 2014, label him as "the man that has Obama's ear when it comes to energy and climate change. Steyer is helping drive policy in Washington."
Steyer, by the end of 2012, was even on the short-list to replace the departing Energy Secretary Steven Chu.
In 2012, Steyer donated $500,000 to the Democratic National Convention, where he was also handpicked to make a cameo appearance, along with three other green cronies (two DOE Insiders Steve Spinner@ and Steve Westly@* as well as then-CEO of Duke Energy* Jim Rogers), of which at time, all four were tied to billions of green stimulus funds dished out by the Obama administration.
Now we can confirm that three of these green players are also Clinton Foundation Donors: Duke Energy has given between $1 million and $5 million, Steven P. Westly has donated between $10,000 and $25,000, while Thomas F. Steyer has thus far dished out between $100,000 and $250,000.
And three are behind Hillary for president. However, as far as the politically connected CEO of Duke Energy, Jim Rogers, who retired in 2013, that is now on a new ECO-Mission with his book, Lighting the World, it's uncertain thus far where he stands on this election.
But records do show that while Duke Energy supports both Republicans and Democrats, Rogers was an Obama donor as well as a frequent participant at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meetings. And three are behind Hillary for president. However, as far as the politically connected CEO of Duke Energy, Jim Rogers, who retired in 2013, that is now on a new ECO-Mission with his book, Lighting the World, it's uncertain thus far where he stands on this election.
At this point we could digress and spend pages on Westly (Obama's "green bundler with the golden touch") and Rogers (once labeled "a hypocrite amongst environmentalists"), but this section is about Steyer, who is directly linked to Center for American Progress (CAP), starting with the fact that he has been a generous donor ($1 million or more via TomKat Charitable Trust) to this powerful, progressive think tank.
Steyer is also a CAP board member as well as a friend of its founder, John Podesta –– now "Hillary's Henchman," who, due to his organization's influence inside this climate racket, will be addressed in much more detail later.
Even though he made a fortune in oil and coal, long ago, he aligned himself with President Obama's "war on coal" –– a war that if Hillary is elected president, will rage on.
As John Hinderaker at Power Line appropriately put it: "Tom Steyer was for coal before he was against it."
Since stepping down from Farallon Capital Management at the end of 2012, Steyer went all in with his environmental quest and in 2013, he founded "NextGen Climate," which they claim is an organization aimed at "preventing climate disaster and promoting prosperity for all Americans."
By 2014, Steyer emerged as a force to be reckoned when he launched his "cash for climate change machine," setting his sights and tons of cash on the 2014 midterms, supporting Democrats who were partaking in his "war on climate change," while attacking Republicans he deemed unfriendly to the environment. This was all well documented in two of my Green Corruption Files:
- September 6, 2014: "Liberal Billionaire Tom Steyer: Dems' 'cash for climate change"
- October 2, 2014: "Democrat billionaire's Eco Super PAC waging war on GOP candidates associated with billionaire"
In fact, this past May, Marita Noon exposed some of Steyer's clean energy dirty work: "Of course, Tom Steyer is doing it all to save the planet."
- His former mega-firm Farallon Capital Management has an invested interest in a rival pipeline that would compete with Keystone.
- He was a "big financial supporter for Greener Capital [now EFW Capital]," a venture firm that invests in renewable energy endeavors," where some of their "green" investments snagged millions of free stimulus funds, Energy Department grants, and Department of Defense contracts –– Sungevity, ElectraTherm, and Project Frog come to mind.
- There's also Kilowatt Financial, LLC, (KWF) –– a company that listed him as “manager” on corporate documents. Noon writes: "KWF recently merged with Clean Power Finance and became “Spruce,” which is in the business of "providing affordable consumer financing for solar power and energy efficiency home improvements." Yet, many are claiming that their "financing structure" is predatory lending.
- Brightpath Capital Partners, LP (“BCP”), another shady firm that dabbles is "sustainable investments," is connected to Tom Steyer, his wife Kat Taylor, as well as Sungevity that scored millions of free taxpayer cash from the 1603 grant program. By the way, back in 2012, Sungevity was one of the three solar firms that came under a federal investigation for "misrepresenting" figures in claiming stimulus cash –– a green criminal case that, after three years, is allegedly still pending.
Not only is Steyer pals with President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden as well as Senator Minority Leader Harry Reid, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore and others, he's cahoots with many green groups, including this new quest, "Breakthrough Energy Coalition," where, as you can see, is run by high-powered Green Gangsters, setting the stage to rob the U.S. of more taxpayer money.
In the meantime, Steyer, the Democrat megadonor, last year (May 2015), at his San Francisco home, held an expensive fundraiser for Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 presidential run. Then on June 8 ECO-News erupted: "Billionaire Environmentalist Tom Steyer Endorses Hillary Clinton." According to the Huffington Post: "Steyer called Clinton an 'experienced leader' who will move the country 'towards becoming ‘the clean energy superpower of the 21st century.'"
Fear not, because despite the fact that Steyer also bashes big and dark money in politics, once AGAIN, the billionaire from California is on a mission to influence the 2016 election. He's formed a political partnership with Unions: he's spending millions of his own money; and Steyer has aimed his Global Warming Propaganda Machine, which happens to be a liberal SUPER PAC, to attack Republicans –– and it includes hype, smear and even deception.
But I thought Bernie and Hillary are against "billionaires who buy elections and undermine our democracy..."
Green Energy: NOT so clean, cheap or safe
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Photo from STEI |
Needless to say, Mrs. Clinton's "ambitious renewable energy plans” move far beyond Obama's green mission that has been rife with crony capitalism, corporate welfare and corruption.
There are also piles of expensive bailouts and failures flushing tens of billions of U.S. taxpayer money down the ECO-Toilet. Along the way, environmental toxic messes have been left behind: Solyndra and Abound Solar come to mind. Not to mention that we currently have a known looming and dangerous ECO-Disaster on our hands such as the Mojave Solar Plant here in California, which is a bombshell story that we exposed in 2014 and revisited again many times since that was made possible by the assistance of numerous brave whistleblowers.
Now, Hillary, along with more climate rules, wants an open tab for green energy.
Money, by the way, that is being doled out for green energy (clean, renewable, alternative) that is NOT so clean, cheap or safe, but is expensive, unreliable and even deadly.
And, then there's this: "Obama’s Green Policies Threaten America’s Energy Security."
Let's not forget about "Big Wind: Its Dirty Secrets and Eco-Massacre."
Yep, American taxpayers are funding mass murder.
As a reminder, in late 2012, Paul Driessen of the Washington Examiner presented some of the gory details: "...The horrific reality is that in the United States alone, 'eco-friendly' wind turbines kill an estimated 13 million to 39 million birds and bats every year."
Save the Eagles International (STEI), estimates a much higher mortality rate: America’s wind farms are actually slaughtering "30 million birds and 50 million bats" annually – and more still if the figures "factored in other hide-the-mortality tricks documented by STEI."
What about those large taxpayer-funded solar power plants that are executing birds? Yep, solar farms, annually, are setting tens of thousands of birds on FIRE. The extreme glow of the power plant is igniting these helpless creatures mid-air.
And just when you thought it was safe to drive an electric car, green cars are now killing Flamingos. Actually, the real culprit are those toxic "rechargeable batteries containing lithium" that I wrote about last year in this post, "Obama Administration Fueling Friends and Failure: At least $10 billion of taxpayer money blown on ‘green’ cars, NOT so ‘green.'"
With all this ECO-Genocide going on, where's PETA and the environmentalists screaming bloody murder?
Remember President Obama's green jobs revolution?
Back in 2012, we debunked the president's 5 million green jobs campaign promise, starting with the fact that, contrary to his promise, the Obama administration has shipped green jobs overseas ("green energy outsourcing") –– as well as the green jobs hype, corruption, insanity and outright failure.
And, the taxpayer-funded green energy deals continue to collapse.
New Green Epic Failures: All surrounded by Clinton cronies
In opening this story, it was duly noted that there are numerous Obama-backed green energy deals that have gone bust, including the most notorious: Solyndra*@, Abound Solar@ and Fisker Automotive*@.
At this point I'll demonstrate how those that backed and benefited from these green debacles are also connected to Hillary Clinton.
- *Denotes Clinton Foundation Donor directly and/or via founders, investors, officers, and other benefactors of that particular green energy company or project –– sometimes all of the above. In addition, many of these donors have participated in Clinton Foundation events.
- @Denotes those backing Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign –– financially, endorsements and otherwise as well as those tied to the Clintons in other ways.
- Also marked in red are Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related emails (found at WikiLeaks)
- FYI: The Clinton Foundation donors link
Remember Solyndra, the first big green deal to go kaput, taking over $570 million of taxpayer cash with it?
Yep, Solyndra, once the poster child for the president's clean energy success, in its wake left behind "FBI Raids" and executives "pleading the 5th" during House Oversight hearings. This ECO-Project "required a big hazardous waste cleanup after it went bankrupt and abandoned its property." Then Solyndra became an art exhibit at the UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley, at the price tag of half-a- billion-taxpayer dollars.
Well, late last year, the Washington Times took notice when billionaire George Kaiser*@, a Clinton Foundation donor ($100k to $250k), held a fundraiser for Hillary at his home in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
In case you forgot, let me refresh your memory: Mr. Kaiser "was a major campaign bundler and fundraiser for Barack Obama during the 2008 election cycle and a frequent visitor to the White House after he became president." His firm Argonaut Private Equity "was the largest private investor in Solyndra, a California-based solar panel maker" that won one of those Department of Energy (DOE) "junk stimulus loans."
Yet, Kaiser managed to walk away with a lucrative profit at the expense of taxpayer –– as did many running the sinking solar ship: "Senior executives at Solyndra collected hefty bonuses (ranging from $37,000 to $60,000 apiece) as the Fremont company bled cash and careened toward bankruptcy [in the summer of 2011]," reported Mercury News.
Other than Kaiser, the Solyndra debacle had so many players in the mix that it will make your head spin, which was documented in my October 2014 Green Corruption File. But there are few to consider, starting with the two-time Obama bundler, DOE Insider, and member of Center For American Progress, Steve Spinner@, who is currently supporting Hillary (mentioned earlier under billionaire Tom Steyer).
There's also Hillary's Banker, Goldman Sachs*@, who was Solyndra's exclusive financial adviser, that we'll get back to later.
Another one is the chairman and president of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, Fred P. Hochberg*@, who bundled at least $100,000 for Obama, and is also tied to the Clinton Foundation that I'll hit up in a bit as well.
Abound Solar
Abound Solar, another favorite of President Obama that also scored one of those DOE "junk stimulus loans," was the third to go bust, costing U.S. taxpayers around $494 million (some reports say much less), and blamed China for its demise.
This solar plant left behind another damning House Oversight hearing, a criminal investigation, and "a huge toxic mess" –– all costing more for taxpayers as well as the state of Colorado.
While Abound Solar was tied to Democratic politicians at the federal and state levels, it seems that this scandal centers on billionaire Pat Stryker@, the high-profiled "Colorado Crony" and Big Democrat donor.
Stryker is another rich pal of Obama, which included roles as a 2008 bundler, a donor to his 2009 inauguration as well as the 2012 Obama Victory Fund.
In October 2015, Stryker became a megadonor to Hillary's presidential run, which was documented by the New York Times:
Stryker, the heiress to a medical supply company and founder of the nonprofit Bohemian Foundation, reportedly donated $750,000 so far to support Democratic contender Hillary Clinton. The amount puts her in the middle-of-the-pack as far as mega-donations go...
By April 2016, Stryker made her way into this report by InsideGov.com: "22 People, $43 Million: The People Doling Out the Dough for Pro-Clinton Super PACs," where she is listed as "people who gave at least $1 million to Pro-Clinton super PACs"
Still, Stryker's Bohemian Foundation (she was the founder in 2001), whose mission statement states that it "is a private family foundation that supports local, national, and global efforts to build strong communities," is currently listed as a "Top 20 Contributor" ($2,002,700) to Hillary Clinton's presidential race.
Fisker Automotive
I started tracking Fisker Automotive in 2010, because after all, it was ultra-rich Al Gore's green car company that was awarded over $500 million of U.S. taxpayer money to manufacture their flashy, expensive electric sports car in Finland.
While there were many twists and turns surrounding this ECO-Car, it was the April 24, 2013 Congressional Hearing on the failing green auto maker and their $529 million auto loan, that revealed that this was another "junk loan" (awarded in April 2010) that never should have been approved.
Worse, it was a failed bailout, because Fisker went bust in November 2013, taking about $160 million of taxpayer funds with it.
However, along the way, the state of Delaware made its own investment into Fisker, as documented by the National Legal and Policy Center:
They committed $21 million in public money to the California-based company, in exchange for a promise to take over a former General Motors manufacturing plant to build its second electric car model, the Atlantic... Part of the money was for a $12.5 million loan from the state, and get this, Delaware got stuck paying the utility bills for the empty plant –– a tab that ran up to $7.4 million.
So, while the federal government lost about $160 million, it's unclear what the "Fisker Flop" cost the taxpayers of Delaware.
It turns out that Fisker backers were heavily involved in lobbying the Obama administration and Congress on green energy programs as well as the fact that Doerr shaped what went into the energy sector of the president's 2009 stimulus package.
One of the biggest Fisker investors were Obama's billionaire climate cronies, John Doerr*@ and Al Gore, where as profiled much earlier, are partners in the Venture Capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers*@.
As a reminder, Fisker was not the only investment of Kleiner Perkins that secured all kinds of "green" loans, grants and special tax breaks, both federal and state.
Back in January 2013, when analyzing their "Greentech Portfolio" (now called "Sustainability Companies") that had 66 listed, I found that over 50 percent were confirmed 2009-Recovery Act winners (36 of the 66). This means that the Uber-Rich pals of the president, via their VC firm, raked in at least $1 billion in "green" government subsidies, the majority coming from Obama's 2009-stimulus spending spree.
And that's not counting Gore's Generation Investment Management firm that is tied to billions more.
As noted under the "Breakthrough Energy Coalition" section, Mr. Doerr and other executives from Kleiner Perkins are backing Hillary.
Also this VC firm has donated between $10,000 and $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation, while Ann and L. John Doerr (the happy couple pictured above in 2011 toasting to success with President Obama and his wealthy pals) together gave the Clinton Foundation anywhere between $100,000 and $250,000.
As of late, not only did SunEdison go down after scoring more than $1.5 billion in "green" government assistance (we'll get to them soon), in recent months, several Obama-backed green energy companies and projects have gone bust or are struggling to stay alive.
Spanish Conglomerate Abengoa
We'll start with one of our favorites: The lawbreaking, American hating, Spanish Conglomerate Abengoa, a "darling" of President Obama, in March, "filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S."
Since 2012, Marita Noon and I have been exposing the laundry list of corruption and criminality behind Abengoa, which scored over $3.8 billion of U.S. taxpayer cash from the Obama administration, including three of the DOE "junk stimulus loans."
NOTE: Below are what Good Jobs First Subsidy Tracker documents:
- $993,665,452 State/Local as well as Federal (grants and allocated tax credits)
- $2,860,728,557 in Federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance
And here are the three projects that scored DOE stimulus loans and grants:
- Solana Solar Project in Arizona ($1.45 billion in December 2010) / and on 3/4/14 this project snagged a $513,753,359 of free US taxpayer cash from the 1603 Grant Program
- Mojave Solar Project in California ($1.2 billion in September 2011) / and on 9/10/15 this project snagged a $376,800,248 of free US taxpayer cash from the 1603 Grant Program
- Abengoa Bioenergy for a biofuel plant in Hugoton, Kansas ($132 million DOE in September 2011) / and in 2007, this project had scored a $97 million DOE grant
In case you missed it, this Big Spanish firm is attached to countless Big Green Cronies here in the U.S. that are also Clinton Foundation donors. For example we find the former governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson* ($1k - $5k), Obama's former Climate Czar from Center for American Progress Carol M. Browner*@ ($5k-10k), former Vice President Al Gore, and California’s Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein* ($10k-$25k)...to name a few.
The Ivanpah Solar Plant in California
There's also the massive Ivanpah Solar Plant in California, which I brought up earlier, that has been bailed out twice: First the $1.6 billion Energy Department shady stimulus loan in April 2011 and then $535.7 million from the stimulus-created 1603 Grant Program in December 2014. Yet, this solar plant is still having issues.
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Photo from Wire.com: One of the solar generating towers at the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility is on fire (May 19, 2016). |
In the mix we find the usual suspects that have donated to the Clinton Foundation and/or are supporting Hillary's 2016 presidential bid: Google*@ ($500k to $1 million) PG& E* ($25-$50K) as well as Goldman Sachs*@ ($1 million to $5 million and $250,000 to $500,000 ), and Citigroup*@ ($500k to $1 million).
Remember too, that George Soros*@, who is tied to NRG Energy via his timely stimulus investments, is not only bankrolling Hillary's presidential campaign as a megadonor, he's also a top contributor to the Clinton Foundation, between $1 million and $ 5 million from the Open Society Institute and between $500,000 and $1 million from the Soros Foundation.
Others tied to the Ivanpah project include BrightSource Energy and VantagePoint Partners* ($25k-$50k) –– with the latter firm scoring taxpayer money for a slew of their green investments. There's also the Bechtel Corporation, the former Commerce Secretary John Bryson, McBee Strategic Consulting, and others –– with DOE officials, Obama’s Green Team, and several Democratic politicians involved.
Then we have SolarCity, the recipient of between $1.1 billion to $1.5 billion in "green" subsidies with at least one third being "free taxpayer cash" from the Obama administration, which has been plagued with problems and controversy. This ranges from a 2012 federal investigation by the U.S. Treasury Department into "potential fraud by solar panel companies that got taxpayer funding," which mysteriously, after three years, is still pending, to a shady business model that many claim are screwing over its customers.
In 2014 there seemed to be more trouble in paradise and as of late, SolarCity has been sucked into "an ongoing corruption probe into New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration," reported The Daily Caller.
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-FAST FRIENDS: President Obama with Billionaire Musk (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) |
- July 12, 2014: SolarCity: Subsidizing the Left’s ‘green’ millionaires and billionaires
- February 17, 2015: Obama Administration Fueling Friends and Failure: At least $10 billion of taxpayer money blown on ‘green’ cars, NOT so ‘green’
- June 22, 2015: Inside Job: Export-Import Bank financing themselves, their friends and Obama-Clinton wealthy 'green' cronies
Then breaking news hit last month (June 21, 2016): "Elon Musk’s Tesla offered to acquire Elon Musk’s SolarCity for $2.8B" –– a green company, of which keep in mind, was propped up with almost $1.5 billion of taxpayer support.
But let me share a little bio on the uber-rich Elon Musk*@: He is the co-founder (2003), Chairman, CEO and Product Architect of the high-end electric-car maker Tesla Motors; the co-founder (2006) and Chairman of SolarCity, which claims that they are "America’s #1 solar provider;" and the founder (2002), CEO and Lead Designer of SpaceX, which "manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft."
Given Mr. Musk's success, it's no wonder that he is the largest shareholder in SolarCity, while holding sizable stakes in both Tesla and SpaceX.
Despite the jubilation, the fine print, which was reported by the Wall Street Journal, shows the dim side: "Recently SolarCity had its value downgraded because it’s been bleeding hundreds of millions of dollars, making it an easier acquisition target."
Meanwhile, Tesla, who has been heralded as a success because they paid back the $465 million loan from the Energy Department's ATVM program, is not all that blooming after all –– facts that can be found in a recent report by Paul Chesser at the National Legal and Policy Center.
While the future of this shady deal is unpredictable –– as is Tesla's Autopilot feature that is at the center of some recent crashes, one of which, so far was fatal –- we'll keep tabs on it.
For now, let us ponder this question: What makes Musk, who is a Big donor to and friend of President Obama, a Clinton Foundation donor (between $25,000 and $50,000), who was a Hillary Clinton supporter in 2008, that is going to bat for "her" again, the new "King of Corporate Welfare?"
Well, maybe it's because all three of Musk's companies –– SolarCity, Tesla Motors and Space X –– as of May 2015, had scored government subsidies totaling over $5 billion.
While Tesla paid back its $465 million Department of Energy (DOE) loan, SpaceX, on the other hand, according to the LA Times, "separate from incentives, has won more than $5.5 billion in government contracts from NASA and the U.S. Air Force."
In fact, SpaceX brags about their NASA deals as well as their wealth as "profitable and cash-flow positive, representing close to $5 billion in contracts..." –– thus Musk's government assistance surpasses $10 billion and counting.
Even though the Times noted that SpaceX "cut a deal for about $20 million in economic development subsidies from Texas to construct a launch facility there," they failed to document the $106 million in direct loans that Musk's rocket company has secured thus far from the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank).
Moreover, there are hundreds of millions of indirect Ex-Im transactions that SpaceX has benefited from.
Keep in mind that Hillary is a "champion" of this bank where some of her pals work, which
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the Washington Examiner:
and chief designer of SpaceX Elon Musk, left, and
Bank chairman and president Fred Hochberg
at the 2014 annual conference of the
Bank on April 25, 2014 in Washington.
by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
On a side note: The chairman and president of the Ex-IM Bank, Fred P. Hochberg *@, whom has been in charge since June 2009, bundled at least $100,000 for Obama's 2008 winning presidential campaign.
Besides the fact that the Clinton's have a shady history with this small and Crooked Bank, they have big connections to those operating inside, starting with its current leader.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, "Hochberg is a long-time supporter of Clinton’s political efforts. He is a prominent Clinton donor and fundraiser, and has also contributed to the Clinton Foundation, giving them between $10,000 and $25,000 with some as recent as 2014.
Just like all of these green companies that score massive amounts of government assistance from multiple programs, this story is another poster child for how "green deals" get cut inside the Obama administration and will continue on if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency.
This is because SolarCity (and Tesla for that matter) is tied to big wigs via various roles such as founders, investors and partners. This particular case includes more than one ultra-rich individual as well as top lobbyists and powerful left-wing organizations, Big Energy, Big Banks and Big Venture Capitalists –– all wealthy players that are tied to the Democrat Party, of which, due to their connections to other green deals, many have already been profiled multiple times in this post.
- Top DC Lobbyists, McBee Strategic Consulting (2009 - 2010) and The Podesta Group*@ (2012 to current)
- Since 2013, SolarCity has been a donor to the powerful left-wing think tank, Center for American Progress (CAP)@
- SolarCity is a member of the Highly Influential Special Interest Group, American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE)
- In January 2010, SolarCity announced its partnership with Pacific Venture Capital, LLC, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation*: "a $60 million in tax equity financing for solar installations for U.S. homes and businesses."
- Sometime before July 2010, Al Gore's firm Generation Investment Management (GIM), was an early investor in SolarCity
- In February 2011, Citigroup*@ became a major investor in SolarCity where they collaborated on a "new fund to finance $40 million in residential solar projects..."
- In June 2011, SolarCity announced their partnership with Google*@: "the creation of a new $280 million fund to finance residential solar projects."
- In November 2011, a month after SolarCity's DOE stimulus deal fell apart in September 2011, "Armed with the documentation and rationale," they found a willing partner in Bank of America * worth $350 million for their $1 billion project called SolarStrong™
- In February 2012, Billionaires George Soros*@ via Silver Lake Kraftwerk and Nicholas J. Pritzker both became SolarCity investors ($81 million in equity financing) / While Soros is a key player inside this green energy scam, billionaire Nicholas is the relative of billionaire Penny Pritzker*@, whom is the Chicago hotel and real estate heiress.
- In May 2013, SolarCity announced "a lease financing agreement with Goldman Sachs*@ to
fund more than $500 million in solar power projects."
Side note on Penny Pritzker*@ & Steve Westly*@:
The heir to the Hyatt Hotel and Pritzker family fortune Penny Pritzker, is a longtime Chicago friend of Obama, who wore many liberal hats, including prominent positions like the 2008 National Finance Chair of the Barack Obama for President campaign and co-chair of the 2009 Presidential Inaugural Committee. She also bundled for the president in 2012.
Billionaire Pritzker, from February 2011 until it shut down in early February 2013, served, along with a handful of Wealthy Obama Cronies that are tied to billions of green funds, as a member of Obama's Jobs Council –– alluded to earlier under billionaire John Doerr*@ that also included Jeffrey Immelt from General Electric*@; Lewis Hay, the executive chairman of NextEra Energy*; and Richard Dean "Dick" Parsons from Citigroup*@.
On June 26, 2013, Ms. Pritzker was promoted to U.S. Secretary of Commerce.
Inside the April 2016 report by Insidegov.com, "22 People, $43 Million: The People Doling Out the Dough for Pro-Clinton Super PACs," we find the following:
J.B. Pritzker and his wife, Mary Kathryn, each gave $1.9 million to Priorities. J.B. runs a venture capital firm, and he and his wife lead the Pritzker Family Foundation, which focuses on early childhood development.Moreover, a June 2016 article by the Washington Free Beacon exposes the following:
Nicholas Pritzker, a Clinton donor and member of the rich and powerful Chicago family that includes J.B. and M.K. Pritzker, who are also bundling donations to Clinton’s campaign. The J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Foundation has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.Currently, the Center for Responsive Politics places the Pritzker Group ($7,419,709) at the number two spot of the "Top Contributors" to Hillary Clinton's presidential run.
Remember Steve Westly, Obama's "green bundler with the golden touch?"
Meet another billionaire buddy of Obama: Steve Westly, the Founder and Managing Partner of The Westly Group, who was a two-time Obama bundler, sat on his campaign’s National Finance Committee, and was a co-chair of the 2012 Technology for Obama group.
While he was briefly considered for a cabinet level position in the Obama administration, in August 2010, Westly secured a top advisory role inside the DOE close to Energy Secretary Chu. Then in 2012, Westly was handpicked to make a special cameo appearance at the Democratic National Convention.
His firm invested in Tesla Motors as well as other green companies that scored mega bucks from the Obama administration. As noted earlier, Steven P. Westly donated from $10,000 to $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation and he's now supporting Hillary Clinton for president.
So what do all these Green Epic Failures have in common?
The answer: Besides the collusion and tons of taxpayer cash, are the Wealthy Green Cronies (those that have meaningful political connections to the president and other high-ranking Democrats and/or their friends) operating inside these green rackets.
This is additional confirmation that these Green Gangsters, who are robbing U.S. taxpayers in order to "save the planet," are also tied to Hillary Clinton and her family foundation.
But there's more...
SunEdison Goes Down the ECO-Toilet Along with Over a Billion Dollars of Taxpayer Cash:
Wealthy Cronies tied to President Obama & Hillary Clinton
In circling back to the beginning of this green corruption chapter, this past April, SunEdison, labeled as "one of the world's largest, if not the largest, renewable energy developers" filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
According to the Wall Street Journal, SunEdison "had borrowed heavily to buy up wind and solar developers, accumulating a pile of debt that worried investors." They also noted, "SunEdison listed assets of $20.7 billion in court papers."
It was that ECO-News that got Dr. Michael Savage fired up –– thus, on April 21, my January 2015 Green Corruption File. "Two Big White House 'Green' Cronies Unite: First Wind scored over $700 million of stimulus funds, now being acquired by SunEdison," made it on The Savage Nation.
Prior to that, on April 19, Lachlan Markay of the Washington Free Beacon broke a bombshell scoop, disclosing that House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is connected to this BIG "green" deal –– thus adding to the corruption.
Yep, "Pelosi’s husband [Paul] bought up to a quarter million dollars of stock in a now financially troubled green energy company [SunEdison] just weeks before it announced a major 2014 acquisition [announced on November 17, 2014] that sent stock prices soaring, public records show."
Meanwhile, on May 1, 2016, Jerome Corsi followed up with a World Net Daily Exclusive: "SunEdison bankruptcy exposes climate-change corruption."
What's important to know is that prior to the "SunEdison-First Wind Scam" in May 2015, the Boston-based First Wind company had scored over $778 million in green stimulus funds, which was documented in my January 2015 Green Corruption File.
Second, in preparing that particular blog post, I had found that SunEdison was awarded 5 stimulus grants for "solar electricity" that ranged across 5 states, totaling over $1.8 million tax dollars from the Treasury Department’s 1603 Program, which was created under the 2009-Stimulus package.
While Watchdog.org in October 2015, documented that SunEdison had received "$4.59 million in taxpayer money from the federal government," further digging balloons that number off the roof.
National Review's April report, "SunEdison’s Subsidy-Fueled Collapse," documents "$1.5 billion in subsidies [federal and state] were given to SunEdison" with the vast majority doled out via the Obama administration.
In going through Good Jobs First "Subsidy Tracker," it seems that most of the First Wind money was calculated (I found $778 million) as well as tons of other cash that went to SunEdison subsidiaries, which means that SunEdison scored more than $1.5 billion from US taxpayers.
But let's recap the green cronies and how they connect to Hillary Clinton, which provides a template for future investigative work (not for me, but others).
First Wind Political Cronies
#1) D.E. Shaw & Larry Summers@: Both Obama buddies & Hillary supporters
D.E. Shaw & Co. is a New York-based investment firm –– "a $39 Billion Hedge Fund Giant" ––– that was, in 2010 listed as a backer of First Wind Holdings Inc.
Its founder, billionaire David Shaw, is a two-time Obama bundler and according to his bio, "Dr. Shaw was appointed to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology by President Clinton in 1994, and again by President Obama in 2009."
Larry Summers, on the other hand, "from 2006 until 2008, he was a part-time employee of D. E. Shaw, whereas according to the New Yorker, Summers' "second year at the firm earned him some five million dollars."
Summers headed to the Obama White House as the top economic advisor (Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama), where he was designated on November 24, 2008 and served until sometime in 2011. Sometime after that gig (the summer of 2011?), Summers rejoined D.E. Shaw & Co. as a consultant.
Let's not forget that Mr. Summers is a friend of the Clinton’s who served as her husband’s Treasury secretary." So, it's no wonder that early this year, it was reported that he is "supporting Hillary Clinton for the presidency" –– with some speculating that Summers could have a role inside a hypothetical Hillary administration.
Moreover, Summers is a "Distinguished Senior Fellow" –– that powerful, progressive organization Center for American Progress (CAP), which has been mentioned many times in this post with more to come.
Meanwhile, back in May 2015, Bloomberg reported that "hedge fund titans are choosing Hillary Clinton over top Republicans" – one of which is David Shaw.
While InsideGov.com reported in April 2016, that Priorities received a $1.5 million contribution from David E. Shaw, Center for Responsive Politics, documents DE Shaw Research as a "top contributor" ($2,303,210) to Hillary's 2016 presidential campaign.
#2) Madison Dearbon Partners and Rahm Emanual@: Hillary endorsement
Another 42 percent of First Wind was owned (during the time they got hundreds of millions in "green cash") by Madison Dearborn Partners, the Chicago-based investment firm with close and cozy connections as well as big donors to then-White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel –– now "Chicago’s deeply unpopular mayor."
Earlier this year, the Huffington Post described the Emanuel-Clinton Connection this way:
The ties between the mayor and Clinton are long-standing. Emanuel, who endorsed Clinton before she had even announced her 2016 presidential bid, worked as a high-profile adviser to then-President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. He served as President Barack Obama’s chief of staff while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.
What's interesting here is that this past April, Bloomberg reported that "D.E. Shaw & Co. LP and Madison Dearborn Capital Partners IV LP filed a lawsuit" regarding funds owed them in relation to the SunEdison's $1.9 billion acquisition of First Wind.
Oh my...
Early on (2009-2010) First Wind hired the lobbyist firm Brownstein, Hyatt et al (Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP), paying them $500,000.
While this lobbying (law) firm is primarily a Democrat donor, FutureofCapitalism.com, documents the key players (four Brownstein Hyatt lobbyists) behind the First Wind crony case: a former Treasury department official, Michael Levy; a former Energy department official, C. Kyle Simpson; Michael McAdams, and Norman Brownstein.
One that stands out is Steve Farber, the President and founding partner of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, whom, according to his own bio, "served as co-chair and a member of the executive committee of the Host Committee for the 2008 Democratic National Convention."
In fact, in 2008, the New York Times noted Mr. Farber's political power and prestige inside the Democrat Party –– "a Denver lawyer whose political contacts have thrust him into a central fund-raising role for the Democratic National Convention."
They also remind us of this:
But Mr. Farber’s activities are a public display of how corporate connections fuel politics — exactly the type of special influence that Mr. Obama had pledged to expunge from politics when he said he would not accept donations from lobbyists.
Farber was also a 2012 Obama bundler.
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2014 CGI America Annual Meeting in Denver Colorado Photo from the Clinton Foundation: Hillary, Chelsea and Bill with Steve Farber and another dude |
Additionally, Farber served as "co-chair for the Fourth Annual Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) America Meeting," which was held in June 2014 in Denver Colorado. During Bill Clinton's address to the attendees of June 10, 2015, on the closing day of the Clinton Global Initiative America conference, which had been held been held in Denver for two years, he even thanked his pal Farber: “I want to thank my longtime friends, Steve Bachar and Steve Farber, who literally drove me into an early grave to come to Denver last year,” Clinton said. “They were right.”
With all those green deals (hundreds of billions of dollars) that were hatched by the Obama Administration that not only fueled corporate welfare, but also made extraordinary amounts of money for lobbyists that backed Obama and are friends of the Clintons, it's no wonder that K Street, early on, started "banking on Hillary."
In fact, "Lobbyists are bankrolling her campaign@" –– not all in the "green business" but even those from Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
#4) Larry Rasky & Vice President Joe Biden@: Another key, but expected Hillary endorsement
Enter in another lobbying firm directly tied to the top. Reports claim that a month prior to the passing of the 2009-Recovery Act, on January 5, 2009, First Wind retained lobbyists Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communication Inc.
While records show that this "green" arrangement ended around 2013 after the firm raked in over $550,000, First Wind is currently listed as a client, reflecting work done in regards to "Massachusetts energy legislation known as Green Communities Act."
This lobbying firm is also another big Democrat donor, and Larry Rasky, chairman and CEO of Rasky Baerlein is "a longtime confidant and campaign strategist" of Vice President Joe Biden.
Moreover, Rasky was a 2012 Obama bundler, and since Obama took office (as of July 2012), Rasky had visited the White House at least 21 times.
In the meantime, Rasky, labeled "a Democratic political consultant and Biden confidant, early on, had "chimed in" several times on whether Joe Biden would enter the 2016 presidential race.
However, last month, the Washington Examiner noted that Mr. Biden "offered an endorsement of former Secretary of State Clinton, saying that he hopes "God willing" that she succeeds President Obama in the White House" –– and the now The VEEP is out campaigning for Hillary.
SunEdison Political Cronies
First up is the fact that SunEdison, a "global provider of solar-energy services," was an early green investment of Goldman Sachs.
Moreover, as recent as April 2014, Goldman Sachs "provided $250 million toward" to SunEdison YieldCo, a newly formed yieldco vehicle wholly-owned by SunEdison.
But Goldman Sachs is not the only SunEdison financial partner in the mix, as reflected on their website, which also includes the other Big Banks bankrolling Hillary and funding her family foundation.
Nevertheless, Goldman Sachs (via their PACs), which plays both sides of the political isle, first backed Hillary in 2008, as they've done throughout her political career. After her campaign failed, they became a top 2008 Obama donor. We can also confirm that two Goldman executives sat on Obama's 2008 Finance Committee and a slew of partners, executives and board members bundled for, and donated to Barack Obama's 2008 campaign.
Meanwhile, Obama's administration has been infested with Goldmanites –– even as early as 2008 when a Goldman Sachs board member, James A. Johnson, an Obama bundler, was chosen to lead Barack Obama's vice presidential search team.
That was short-lived; however, due the fact that Johnson's private banking firm Perseus, LLC, which won millions of green cash, including three investments that went bust (Beacon Power, Evergreen Solar, and Vehicle Production Group), since August 2012, I've profiled Mr. Johnson many times.
I'm confident that as things heat up, Mr. Johnson, whom I know early on, secretly endorsed Mrs. Clinton for president, will bundle for her as well.
Even though in 2012, Goldman Sachs turned their back on Mr. Obama, there were many executives and board members as well as former Goldman bigwigs that helped him get reelected.
One that stands out is David Blood, whom I briefly noted earlier, along with former climate guru Al Gore, as the co-founder of Generation Investment Management (GIM) –– a firm that is not only pushing "global warming hysteria" and advocating for "Sustainable Capitalism," but is benefiting big-time from the Obama administration's climate policies and green cash.
At any rate, SunEdison is not the only "green investment" propped up by taxpayers that Goldman Sachs has cashed in on, which is obvious since they have been mentioned many times throughout this post.
While I've been tracking Goldman's ties to "green" since 2010, they were revisited on a few occasions: HERE in 2013 and HERE in January 2014, as well as in March 2014 due to the fact Goldman Sachs is donor of Center for American Progress (CAP).
Back then, I discovered that this Wall Street firm is connected, via various roles, to at least 14 companies and/or projects that won green taxpayer cash –– a tab that exceeded $8.5 billion from the Green Bank of Obama.
In addition, according to POLITICO and other media outlets, the Wall Street giant "has a long alliance with Democrat Hillary Clinton dating back to her Senate days," that not only involves steering tons of money to her campaigns, but also to her family foundation.
As noted at the beginning of this post, Goldman Sachs has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation as well as between $250,000 and $500,000 via the Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund.
But that's not all, which is found inside this February 2015 piece by the Washington Fee Beacon: "Goldman Sachs Is Ready for Hillary: The most hated corporation in American is a loyal patron of the Clinton empire." Here are some bullet points to consider:
- Goldman Sachs chairman and CEO Lloyd Blankfein is a personal friend of the Clintons and a prominent Hillary backer
- Former Goldman Sachs executives with close ties to the Clintons include Robert Rubin, who served as Bill Clinton’s Treasury Secretary, and Robert Harrison, who currently serves as CEO of the Clinton Global Initiative.
- Then there is former Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine, who is raising money for Hillary despite being sued by the federal government for defrauding investors.
- The Wall Street firm has also helped pad the Clinton’s personal fortunes by paying Hillary at least $400,000 for two speeches in 2013 –– yet other news outlets place her Goldman speaking fees at $675,000
- Goldman Sachs paid Bill Clinton a total of $1.2 million for seven speeches between 2001 and 2012.
This past February CNN reported, "Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring."
In the meantime, a January 2016 report by Breitbart News, "The Wall Street mega-bank Goldman Sachs is a top donor to the 2016 presidential campaigns of establishment candidates" –– one of which is Hillary Clinton.
Just this past May, Breitbart reminds us that Senator Clinton "identified herself as Goldman Sachs’ “partner in government” at the 2005 groundbreaking of the firm’s new 740-foot-tall headquarters in Lower Manhattan. Goldman Sachs won federal government Liberty Bonds to build it."
And in May, Reason.com unleashed an explosive report on how "the Clinton campaign has been using former Goldman Sachs advisor Gene Sperling to criticize [the Republican presidential nominee] Donald Trump."
While, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd C. Blankfein hasn't publicly endorsed Hillary, he's donated to the Clinton Foundation ($5-10k) –– and now that she's won the Democratic nomination, we can expect "Government Sachs" to be out in droves filling her campaign coffers.
#2) The Podesta Group*@: Big Obama & Hillary allies; also a Clinton Foundation donor
What's relevant here is that in 2012, this Big Lobbyist added SunEdison to its list of clients, whereas, since that time, and up until 2016, Podesta was paid handsomely: almost $1 million.
There's also Heather Podesta –– Tony's former wife –– and her lobbying firm Heather Podesta & Partners. The divorced Democratic power brokers both made bank off of numerous Obama green deals, which was laid out during my March3, 2014 Green Corruption File, exposing that Mr. & Mrs. Podesta, the super lobbyists, struck "green" gold.
The Podesta Group is linked to the Panama Papers and the Russians, while John D. Podesta ($1k-$5k) and Heather ($100k to $250k) are Clinton Foundation donors, and Heather and Tony are bundlers for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign –– and, in late 2015, SunEdison's Super PAC donated to HILLARY FOR AMERICA Super PAC, while SunEdison donated ($1k to $5k) to the Clinton Foundation.
Oh what a tangled web of green money....
#3) American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE): Green lobby powerhouse tied to Citigroup*@
It turns that SunEdison is also a member of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), the renewable energy lobby powerhouse that has its finger prints all over this green scam.
PJMedia described this group, as "a band of Music Man businesses and deep-pocketed backers if ever there was one." The author of the February 2011 piece also noted that the president and co-founder of ACORE, Michael Eckhart, was resigning so he could lead Citigroup's environmental strategy desk."
What's key here is that prior to this move, Mr. Eckhart and ACORE membership had "helped design the Department of Energy grant programs...”
And lo and behold, ACORE members where big "green" winners, which was documented inside my October 2013 Green Corruption File, which not only expands on the Citigroup connection, but lists at least 29 members of ACORE that have cashed in at the taxpayer-funded Green Bank of Obama, including SunEdison.
Speaking of Citigroup, a while ago (February 2013), our two exposés ("Citigroup’s Massive 'Green' Money Machine" and "Wall Street Walks on the White House") chronicled Citigroup's carbon footprint inside the Obama administration as well as inside this massive green energy scandal, connecting this Big Bank to approximately $16 billion of taxpayer money.
And as noted, besides the fact that Big Banks have paid Hillary and her husband enormous speaking fees, they have also donated to the Clinton Foundation –– with Citigroup giving between $500,000 and $1 million.
Meanwhile, Citigroup, who throughout her political career, has been Mrs. Clinton's number two top donor, employees from this bank, early on, stepped up to the plate and donated to Hillary's 2016 presidential run.
I could go on with Obama-backed green energy losers and their crony connection, but it's time to switch gears.
Secretary Clinton's Green Corruption
As I mentioned in the beginning of this Green Corruption File, the Clinton Foundation has been pushing the catastrophic climate change narrative for sometime and they are raking in Big Bucks for the cause.
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The Clinton Foundation is close friends with the media |
Therefore, a year ago I published an overview on the "green corruption players" (those that won tons of green taxpayer cash) are also donors to the Clinton Foundation, while today's Green Corruption File is just an expansion of that work.
Here's an EXCERPT:
At a quick glance, this included Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (tied via Sapphire Energy), Duke Energy, NRG Energy, Goldman Sachs, Open Society (George Soros), Citigroup, General Electric, Google, Soros Foundation, Alcoa Inc, Bank of America Corporation, CH2MHill, Solazyme, Tom Steyer, Heather Podesta, NextEra Energy, Nissan North America, Inc, Enphase Energy, and General Motors Company.
There's also AREVA, L. John Doerr, First Solar, Honeywell Inc, Elon Musk, Pepco Holdings, Inc, Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd, U.S. Geothermal Inc, Good Energies, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Silver Spring Networks, Solar Millennium AG, Southern Company, the AES Corporation, and more.
In the mix are radical left-wing individuals and groups that participated behind the scenes, such as Carol M. Browner, the Joyce Foundation, and the Tides Foundation, as well as many other Clinton Foundation donors that are in the green energy business worthy of investigation.
Nevertheless, considering that the Clinton's and their pals have been players inside this colossal climate change scheme, I have mentioned them numerous times throughout my green corruption work. However, the following posts is where the Clintons have played a starring roles:
- May 4, 2015: Back to the Future: A sneak peek into Hillary Clinton’s climate change cronies
- May 19, 2015: Media Frenzy Over ABC George Stephanopoulos' Undisclosed Clinton Foundation Donations: What about the PBS connections?
- June 22, 2015: Inside Job: Export-Import Bank financing themselves, their friends and Obama-Clinton wealthy 'green' cronies
- March 27, 2016: Mrs. Clinton’s Convoluted Clean Crony Cookware Cooked up at State with Her Friends and Her Family Foundation Now Costing U.S. Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars
Last year, Vox Policy and Politics came out with a damming report, exposing Secretary Clinton's and her family foundation's shady practices:
The size and scope of the symbiotic relationship between the Clintons and their donors is striking. At least 181 companies, individuals, and foreign governments that have given to the Clinton Foundation also lobbied the State Department when Hillary Clinton ran the place...
On that list are many Green Gangsters, who are also backing Hillary for president.
- Microsoft/Gates Foundation
- Goldman Sachs
- Duke Energy Corporation
- NRG Energy
- Open Society Institute (George Soros)
- General Electric
- General Motors
- NextEra Energy
Meanwhile, Hillary's husband, former President Bill Clinton was caught with his pants down again: "Bill Clinton’s foundation arranged a $2 million pledge [and an $812,000 federal grant via then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu], to a [green energy] power company [Energy Pioneer Solutions] partly owned by a wealthy blond divorcée — who some say is the frequent visitor to his home nicknamed 'Energizer,'" reported the New York Post.
Last but not least is that Mrs. Clinton, whose tenure as President Obama's secretary of state started on January 21, 2009 and lasted until February 1, 2013, obviously violated the Federal Records Act as well as other federal rules and laws by using her personal email account and home-grown server to conduct government business.
However, she also violated the "Memo of Understanding" that was agreed upon prior to her confirmation as Obama's secretary of state.
According to news reports, this "agreement" had two main objectives:
- To prohibit President Clinton from soliciting funds or accepting foreign-government contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)
- To disclose foreign countries that INCREASED their commitments to all Clinton Foundation entities, or that became a NEW contributor
Besides the big bombshell news surrounding those shady foreign donations that the Clinton Foundation snagged while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, which was a clear violation of that "memo," there's also plenty of clean energy dirt as well.
During the course of our story on Hillary's Hibachi Racket, we uncovered that Mrs. Clinton was in direct violation of that "memo" as well as some serious ethics violations.
What caught my attention was Norway: As secretary of state, Hillary solicited and accepted funds from Norway as well as other foreign governments (Finland and France) for her Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (the Alliance) that Mrs. Clinton announced at the Clinton Global Initiative in 2010.
Another key note here is that the Alliance — a program that replaces wood-fired cookstoves in developing countries with cleaner and more efficient alternatives — is run by the U.N. Foundation*, which has donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
The government of Norway* also is a major donor to the Clinton Foundation, contributing between $10 million and $25 million.
But then again, plenty of wheeling and dealing occurred with Secretary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and others –– even shaping US policy and steering U.S. funds to their favored projects.
Moreover, inside the 30,000 emails that were reluctantly turned over (remember over 32,000 "yoga" emails were destroyed and Hillary's private server was then subsequently wiped clean), Mrs. Clinton and her staff at State were engaging in a lot of work for the Clinton Foundation.
In fact, back in the fall of 2015, the Washington Times reported this:
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails reveal how prominently the Clinton Foundation factored into her thinking as America’s top diplomat, raising questions about where she drew the line between official business and aiding the family charity run by her husband and daughter.
Oh, and it turns out that "Clinton's State Department calendar was missing scores of entries" as well, found the Associated Press (AP):
An Associated Press review of the official calendar Hillary Clinton kept as secretary of state identified at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests that were not recorded or omitted the names of those she met.Even after Secretary of State Clinton conspired on behalf of her family foundation, the Clinton Foundation's shadiness shows no signs of slowing down."
Clinton's Emails Reveal Cozy Relationship with CAP Leader John Podesta:
Now Hillary’s Henchman
Now Hillary’s Henchman
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Clinton with John Podesta
4/2015 from
Bustle.com |
There's also Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric*@, and another pal of the Clintons, who last year refused to "release the emails that GE exchanged with Hillary Clinton’s State Department during the period in which GE was donating to the Clinton Foundation," reported The Daily Caller.
But move along folks, there's nothing to see here...
Needless to say, it would require a team of investigators to find them all. However, below are some interactions between John Podesta, who at that time was leading the Center for American Progress (CAP) –– the powerful progressive organization, which is the dark, driving force behind the President Obama's massive green energy scheme.
For now a little history is in order: In 2003 Podesta founded CAP, which is now the Washington’s leading liberal think tank known for its powerful influence inside the Obama White House.
What's relevant here is that while CAP characterizes itself as "an independent nonpartisan educational institute dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action," in reality it's a pimp for left-wing ideas, including catastrophic climate change. They brutally attack any climate descent, while demanding a carbon tax, and continually pushing for more taxpayer money to be spent on clean energy.
Meanwhile by 2011, Podesta stepped down from his CEO role and became the Chair of CAP and the CAP Action Fund –– only to leave CAP and join the Obama White House at the end of 2013 in his new role as Obama's "Executive Power Czar."
Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner describes that move this way:
Podesta is a revolving-door corporate lobbyist. He's also a former Bill Clinton fixer and opposition research consultant for the Democrats. So it’s fitting President Obama has officially brought Podesta onto the White House staff.
This past January, Time Magazine labeled CAP as the "The Clinton-friendly liberal think tank" –– basically now an arm of Hillary's presidential campaign.
But anyone paying attention knows that Podesta is the Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign: He's Hillary's Henchman.
Times Magazine described him as "a commanding presence in Clinton’s orbit" –– he's "part coach, part gatekeeper, judge and jury, director, fundraiser, policy wonk and strategist."
Still, what's relevant to green corruption is that early on, Podesta, via twitter, confirmed, "Tackling Climate Change & Clean Energy is Top of Hillary Clinton's 2016 agenda."
And, this past May, Podesta came out of the shadows to spin Hillary's "illegal email practices," of which according to POLITICO, he had this to say:
Clinton was unaware during her time as secretary of state that her emails to officials at State.gov addresses were not automatically preserved and that she believed she was following the practices of other Secretaries and senior officials.
But what about those emails sent to those not at STATE.GOV? Folks like John Podesta himself?
While there are numerous of Secretary Clinton emails (at least 96) that began as early as June 2009 and lasted until at least January 2013, about Mr. Podesta in the archives, there are many with the two of them communicating about phone calls, meetings, CAP's conference and more.
For example, on Sunday, June 21 2009, at around 3:07 PM, John Podesta, while still at CAP, sends
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Clinton Email Addendum 2 |
Besides Podesta's email address being redacted, parts of this email exchange are as well.
Tried you a couple days ago, but email bounced back Neera says this is the right one. How are you doing? REDACTED HERE....
Hillary responds via "hrod17@clintonemail.com" on Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:35 PM:
Probably for this season, but I'll be ready next spring! Until then, I'll keep my day job.
NOTE: The "Neera" Podesta is referring too is Neera Tanden, who, according to her bio, is the current "President and CEO of the Center for American Progress and the Center for American Progress Action Fund." She "has served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations, as well as presidential campaigns and think tanks." "Tanden had also served as policy director for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign..."
While Ms. Neera has been out stumping for Hillary's campaign, she's also been embroiled in some recent "Twitter drama" as well.
Another example shows that on Sunday, September 20, 2009 at around 5:30 PM, Secretary of State Clinton emails John Podesta from her OTHER private email account (HDR22@clintonemail.com) with the subject line: "When could we talk?"
Dear John, I would like to talk w you tonight if possible. Is there a time that is best for you? And which number should I call? This is the right thing to do and I do not believe there are any serious obstacles REDACTED SECTION HERE
Please let me know when we can connect. All best, H
Podesta responds later at evening at around 9:20 PM:
Sorry. Didn't see this earlier. I'm at REDACTED SECTION HERE
Hillary responds back to John at 10:28 PM:
I'm on endless calls about the UN. Could I call you early tomorrow? Would btw 6:30 and 8:00 be too early?
Please wear socks to bed to keep your feet warm.
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Clinton Email Addendum 3 |
I called and left messages on your home and cell numbers. PIs let me know when we can talk today. Thx
That morning at 8:23 AM, Podesta emails Hillary back:
I'm having breakfast with Ken Salazar. Will call when that's over. 9:30ish.
NOTE: Ken Salazar served as the U.S. Secretary of the Interior under President Barack Obama from January 20, 2009 from April 12, 2013.
Salazar was in charge when seven green companies [solar and geothermal) via "secretarial order" "received fast-tracked approval by the Department of the Interior to lease federal lands in a no-bid process," which as noted by the Washington Free Beacon, included "Abengoa Solar, BrightSource Energy, First Solar, Nevada Geothermal Power, NextEra Energy Resources, Ormat Nevada, and Solar Reserve.”
Not only did they get special treatment by Salazar, despite “junk bond” status, under then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu, each of these seven companies received billions of DOE funds under the 1705 loan program as well as renewable energy grants from the stimulus-created 1603 Grant Program operating under the Treasury Department. This was the first major piece of this "green" scandal that prompted the beginning of my work in April 2012, exposing the Big Green Cronies behind these deals, as well as my collaboration with Marita Noon that began a few months later.
That same day, Monday, September 21, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Erfana Andrabi, the Watch Officer at the State Department Operations Center, with the subject line, "Mr. John Podesta requested to speak with the Secretary," alerts SES-O_S-Calls:
Mr. Podesta of the Center for American Progress requested to speak with the Secretary at her earliest availability. Ops stands by ready to assist.
Then at 10:23 AM, Hillary's then-Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills (MillsCD@state.gov) forwards the email to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with an "FYI."
While there are numerous negative directions we could take at this point regarding Ms. Mills, we need to stay with Podesta and those State Department emails where we find birthday wishes, speech writing, congratulations, political sarcasm, and even cute gestures in the mix. But there are some more serious emails surrounding John Podesta that I found.
- December 21, 2009: Podesta asking that State "might want to get someone to pulse the Embassy in Turkey."
- January 24, 2011: Judith McHale, who from May 21, 2009 until around to June 2011, was the undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs. In this email McHale informed then-Secretary of State Clinton, "I had a good meeting with John. I filled him in on all we have been doing and we agreed to discuss areas where we might could collaborate with CAP. He was particularly interested in the new CVE initiative."
- February 16, 2012: Praising Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "New global deal on climate change."
- July 15, 2012: A discussion between a slew of Hillary's staff members as well as Susan Rice, whom "from January 2009 until assuming the role of National Security Advisor in July 2013, served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations and a member of President Obama's Cabinet," regarding Podesta's new role as "U.S. representative to the UN High Level Panel on post-2015 development issues," which was appointed by the Obama White House.
- January 25, 2013: The State Department even kept Podesta in the loop on Benghazi; however, it wasn't how Americans were terrorized, injured and viciously murdered by radical Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2012, it was regarding "poor" Hillary: "Clinton's emotional Benghazi testimony" from a Yahoo headline is what they shared. But then again, we know Mrs. Clinton has lied over and over again regarding Benghazi.
Center for American Progress: Green "Access & Influence"
We also know that inside Secretary Clinton's emails there are tons surrounding CAP; however, it is worth repeating that CAP not only ran the Obama-Biden Transition Team, but they infiltrated and held key positions inside the Obama White House, which goes beyond John Podesta and Larry Summers.
Inside the Energy Department we found that the officials and advisors as well as Obama's "Green Team" were stacked with Al Gore disciples and well-connected Venture Capitalists.
There have been at least a dozen on my radar that are either directly connected to hundreds of billions of green government subsidies (loans, grants and special tax breaks), or helped their friends secure the funds.
More relevant to green corruption is that familiar CAP members operated inside this clean energy scam, which of course, were also bundlers for Obama's 2008 campaign –– even bundling again in 2012.
CAP's part not only ranged from legitimate to shady lobbying practices, but a slew of CAP# "fellows" were at the helm of the green energy deal making –– even as the rest had access influence in one way or another. They were in charge of picking winners and losers, especially in regards to the Energy Department's $34 billion Loan Guarantee Program, whereas we can confirm virtually all of that green money was funneled to friends of Obama and other high-ranking Democrats.
While many have fled since their 2009 appointments, many are still in the clean energy business and are supporting Hillary Clinton and other Democrats during this election cycle.
As a reminder, those included then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu, the former Department of Energy Loan Director Jonathon Silver, the former Climate Czar Carol Browner#, the former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Jackson (now a board member at the Clinton Foundation), the former Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones#, and the former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.

There's also many suspicious DOE Insiders in the mix such as Steve Spinner#, Matt Rogers, Cathy Zoi, Kristina Johnson, James Markowsky, Steven Westly, Sanjay Wagle, David Danielson, David Sandalow, David Prend –– another piece of this scandal that has yet to be told in its entirety.
Still, it's not just CAP's leadership, it's their donors as well, of which we can see from a January 2015 report by POLITICO.
The Center for American Progress, a leading liberal think tank with deep ties in establishment Democratic politics, has unveiled its top 2014 donors, revealing a wide range of corporations and Wall Street firms, trade unions and individuals with strong connections to Bill and Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.
Inside the March 2014 Green Corruption File I chronicled how tens of billions of "green" (clean, renewable, alternate) taxpayer money went to CAP Corporate Donors (members). At that time, I exposed the fact that those in the renewable energy business, there were at least 17 that cashed in at the Green Bank of Obama –– of which, as we can see, the vast majority are also Clinton Foundation donors and are bankrolling Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.
- Bank of America*@ (now Bank of America Merrill Lynch –– confirmed CAP donor since 2012) / Bank of America Foundation donated between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton Foundation
- Citigroup*@ (confirmed CAP donor since 2012) / Citi Foundation donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation
- Goldman Sachs*@ (possibly a CAP donor since 2012) / The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. donated between $1 million and $5 million and the Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund has contributed between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation
- Covanta Energy* (confirmed CAP donor since 2012) / Covanta Energy Corporation has given between $50,000 and $100,0000 to the Clinton Foundation
- General Electric* (confirmed donor since 2011) / General Electric has contributed between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, of which they gave in the first quarter of 2016
- Google*@ (confirmed CAP donor since 2012) / Google Inc. donated between $500,000 to $1 million to the Clinton Foundation, and they gave in the first quarter of 2016 / Google.Org ($10k and $25k) and Eric E. Schmidt $5k to $10k
- PG&E* (confirmed CAP donor since 2011) / PG&E Co. donated between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation / PG&E Corporation Foundation gave between $5,000 and $10,000
- American Electric Power* (AEP) / American Electric Power Company donated between $50,000 and $100,00 to the Clinton Foundation
- Anglo American (confirmed CAP donor since 2012, listed under energy/utility):
- Constellation Energy
- Dow Corning (Silicone Manufacturing/Solar)
- Duke Energy* / Duke Energy Corporation gave between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation
- Enel Green Power North America* / Enel Green Power gave between $25,000 and to $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation
- First Solar*@ (Solar Manufacturing and possibly a 2011 CAP donor) / First Solar, Inc donated between $25,000 and $50,000 the Clinton Foundation
- First Wind@
- General Motors*@ (donor to CAP in 2011) / General Motors Company gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation
- Xcel Energy
And if you skim the CAP donor list, you'll not only find a few that we addressed here in this Green Corruption File: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation*, George Soros*@ and Tom Steyer*@.
Final word
Now, I could continue exposing more Green Gangsters, their minions and their connections to the Clintons such as General Electric and it's CEO Jeffrey Immelt, Exelon Corp. NextEra Energy and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) as well as McKinsey & Co., McBee Strategic Consulting and additional lobbyists and left wing groups at the center of this Big Green Heist, but I'm sure you get the point.
In the mix we have Democratic career politicians like the ones profiled in this post such as Senator Harry Reid, Secretary of State John Kerry, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and House Leader Nancy Pelosi to name a few. Not to mention, Virginia Governor Terry McAulliffe, the former Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson, and others.
But I'll leave you with this final note: This "green" agenda is fueled by corruption and corporate welfare, while demonstrating how our government is run by Big Money, Dark Money, Wall Street, K-Street, special interests, corrupt politicians, and in this particular case, Big Energy, Big Wind, and Big Venture Capitalists –– all with friends in high places –– rather than what's good for our Nation.
And if we elect Hillary Rodham Clinton as our next president, she will not only steal more of our money, but she will "rip off" more of our freedoms and destroy our Republic –– all while enriching and empowering herself, her family and her wealthy, crooked and evil friends around the globe.
Other key tracking sources:
- *Denotes Clinton Foundation Donor directly and/or via founders, investors, officers, and other benefactors of that particular green energy company or project –– sometimes all of the above. In addition, many of these donors have participated in Clinton Foundation events.
- @Denotes those backing Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign –– financially, endorsements and otherwise as well as those tied to the Clintons in other ways.
- Also marked in red are Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related emails (found at WikiLeaks)
- FYI: The Clinton Foundation donors link
- Senator Barack Obama (CAREER PROFILE SINCE 1989): Top Contributors, by OpenSecrets.org
- Barack Obama (D): Top Contributors / 2008 Cycle, by OpenSecrets.org
- Barack Obama (D): 2008 Presidential Race / Bundlers, by OpenSecrets.org
- Barack Obama (D): Top Contributors / 2012 Cycle, by OpenSecrets.org
- Barack Obama's Bundlers: 2012 Presidential Race, by OpenSecrets.org
- Senator Hillary Clinton (CAREER PROFILE SINCE 1989): Top Contributors, by OpenSecrets.org
- HILLARY CLINTON (D) –– 2016 Election: Top Contributors, federal election data, by OpenSecrets.org
- HILLARY CLINTON (D) –– Candidate Summary, 2016 Cycle: Campaign & Single-Candidate Groups Targeting Clinton, by OpenSecrets.org
- April 2015: "22 People, $43 Million: The People Doling Out the Dough for Pro-Clinton Super PACs," by InsideGov.com
- OCT 2015: "From Fracking to Finance, a Torrent of Campaign Cash," by the New York Times
- April 2016: "Inside Hillary Clinton's big-money cavalry," by the Center for Public Integrity
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2012: Marita and Christine ON THE AIR |
As a Christian, mother of two daughters, a conservative and concerned citizen, in 2009 I dove head first into political activism by becoming a writer for Blogcritics Magazine, covering an array of issues from the Tea Party rise, racism in America, Obamacare, homeland security, earmark reform, and hot topics of the day –– all the way to The Green Corruption Files that was launched in April 2012.
After months of reaching out to various media organizations to get this green energy scandal at the forefront, it was Marita Noon, energy columnist and the executive director at Energy Makes America Great, who took the plunge. From June 2012 until March 2014, Noon I joined forces and unleashed the “most extensive coverage of any single outlet” on Obama’s Green-Energy Crony-Corruption Scandal, and in 2016, we reunited.
Noon’s green corruption columns have been featured at many conservative outlets that she writes for –– including Breitbart, Townhall, the American Spectator, Red State, NetRightDaily, Heartland Institute, EPA Abuse, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), the Strident Conservative, Canada Free Press, and others.
While Noon speaks to industry and political groups across the U.S. and is a featured guest on dozens of radio programs each month, she also hosts a weekly radio program called, America’s Voice for Energy.
Let me be clear, I am not against clean energy; however, I am against subsidizing these "green" millionaires and billionaires for the pet projects.
In following the money –– hundreds of billions of taxpayer cash –– we have exposed The Big Green
Heist: The largest, most expensive and deceptive case of crony capitalism in American history –– a green movement that, by the way, not only involves ECO-Cronies, but also carries ECO-Nuts, ECO-Radicals and ECO-Hypocrites.
Since then, this critical work has become extremely popular with other concerned citizens and has been a resource for an array of conservative icons (see list below our catalog of work) .
Considering this is my final chapter, I'd like to personally thank Ms. Noon, all those that supported this brutal mission, financially and otherwise (you know who are), as well as those that took the time to read my monster files.
God Bless you all and God Bless America!
- Citizen Investigative Journalist (now retired)
- ACE Certified Fitness Trainer with over 30 years experience in the health and fitness industry
- Diet Book Author, retired champion bodybuilder, as well as an American Gladiators contestant from 1990.
The Green Corruption Files Catalog
Clean Energy; Dirty Money: How the Obama administration hijacked our environment and doled out hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to payback his political cronies –– "green" bundlers, top donors, financiers, and allies –– catapulting crony capitalism to a staggering level, while fueling corporate welfare and corruption.
Green Corruption began in 2010 at Blogcritics Magazine
- Obama’s Political Payback: Green Corruption, Part One first published @ Blogcritics Magazine July 19, 2010; then posted @ The Green Corruption Files April 28, 2012)
- Obama’s Political Payback: Green Corruption, Part Two (first published @ Blogcritics Magazine July 20, 2010; then posted @ The Green Corruption Files April 28, 2012)
- Green Corruption: The Plot Thickens (first published @ Blogcritics Magazine August 7, 2010; then posted at @ The Green Corruption Files April 28, 2012)
2012 with 23 Posts
- Green Corruption: Department of Energy “Junk Loans” and Cronyism (first published @ Blogcritics Magazine on April 17, 2012, then posted April 28, 2012 –– also at EPA Abuse on May 1, 2012, California Political News and Views on May 5, 2012, and many other Conservative sites)
- BREAKING: BrightSource Energy Political Influence and Their $1.6 Billion DOE Loan (posted May 16, 2012)
- BREAKING: NRG Energy on the DOE Cronyism Hot Seat, Also Tied to George Soros (posted May 22, 2012)
- Lou Dobbs "Shocks" Bill O'Reilly on the Severity of Obama DOE Crony Capitalism (posted May 25, 2012)
- Obama-Tied Troubled First Solar $3 Billion DOE Loans Produce Majority of Jobs Oversees, CEO Sold His Own Stock; Plus More "Clean-Energy Dirt" Exposed (posted June 11, 2012)
- Obama’s Green-Energy, Crony-Corruption Story; Special Seven, Part 1 Expanded Version (posted June 30, 2012)
- Shining the Light on BrightSource Energy's $1.6 Billion Shady DOE Deal: Special Seven, Part Two (posted July 6, 2012)
- General Electric Making “Bank” off Obama's “Green” Stimulus Money; Over $3 Billion and Counting (posted July 12, 2012)
- Senator Harry Reid’s Part in Green-Energy Crony-Corruption, Part Three of The Special Seven (posted July 15, 2012)
- The First Solar Three Billion Dollar Swindle (posted July 25, 2012)
- Recent Oversight Hearing Reveals Shady Email Practices by Former DOE Loan Advisor Jonathan Silver; Abound Solar Blames China for its Demise (posted July 26, 2012)
- How Democrats Say "Crony Corruption" in Spanish: Abengoa UPDATED VERSION (posted Wednesday, August 8, 2012)
- Beacon Bust Tied to Obama Bundler and VP Hunter, the Infamous Washington Fixture, James A. Johnson (posted August 15, 2012)
- NextEra Energy: Third Largest Power Company in the World is the Third Largest Recipient of DOE Risky Loans; CEO Sits on President Obama's Jobs Council (posted August 18, 2012)
- Obama’s Green Cronies Made DNC Cameo: Bundlers and Big Donors Tied to Billions of Stimulus Funds (posted Friday, September 21, 2012)
- Special Report Part One: Obama, the Green Loser; Cronyism Inc. (posted October 15, 2012)
- Special Report Part Two: Obama, the Green Loser; Cronyism Inc. (posted October 15, 2012)
- Where are the 5 Million Green Jobs Candidate Obama Promised? (posted October 15, 2012)
- Green Alert: Tracking President Obama's Green Energy Failures (posted October 20, 2012)
- BREAKING: Newly Released House Oversight Emails Incriminate White House in Green-Energy Loan Lies (posted November 1, 2012)
- Busting Open Obama Energy Department's Den of Deception (posted November 5, 2012)
- DEVELOPING: Department of Energy Facing "Corruption" Lawsuit, Shocking DOE Emails, and the $8.4 Billion ATVM Program's "Favored Five" (posted November 23, 2012)
- The Green Five: Spreading the Wealth to Obama’s Ultra-Rich Jobs Council Members; Part One, 10/31/12 DOE Emails Prove White House Pressure on $1.3 Billion Loan to General Electric Wind Project (posted December 23, 2012)
2013 with 23 posts
- January 8, 2013 –– Bank of Obama: John Doerr and Al Gore of Kleiner Perkins, The Mother of All Green Energy Stimulus Money Winners
- January 21, 2013 –– Climate Hawk Senator John Kerry and His Green Inside Deals
- January 22, 2013 –– Big Wind Energy Subsidies: A Hurricane of Carnage, Cronyism and Corruption
- February 7, 2013 –– Obama's Jobs Council Closed: Mega-Rich Member Penny Pritzker "Rumored" for Commerce Job, “Related” to Two Large Green Corruption Stories
- February 22, 2013 –– Citigroup’s Massive 'Green' Money Machine
- February 28, 2013 –– Wall Street Walks all over the Obama White House
- March 22, 2013 –– Left-wing Billionaire George Soros: Obama’s "Agent of Green"
- April 1, 2013 –– SoloPower: Another Department of Energy “Junk Loan” Teetering with Over $250 Million of Taxpayer Money
- April 11, 2013 –– Newly Bankrupt Chinese Solar Producer Suntech, Stimulus Tax Credit Winner and Contractor to Energy Department’s $337 million Junk Loan: a Tiny Fraction of Obama’s “Green Outsourcing"
- April 24, 2013 –– Failing Fisker Auto Finally Faces House Oversight Hearing: Chairman Jordan Exposes Another DOE Junk Loan, Declares, "Fisker should have never received taxpayer money”
- May 9, 2013 –– Americans Bothered By the Way our Government Spends Taxes: Billions Burned on Obama's Green Energy
- May 29, 2013 –– Smart Gird, Dirty Devices: With "friends" in the White House, Silver Spring Networks linked to at least $1.3 billion of smart-grid stimulus grants
- June 10, 2013 –– Transparency Alert: HHS, DOL, and EPA NOT the Only Agencies Where Top Obama Appointees are Using “Secret Emails” to Conduct Govt Business… What a bout the Energy Department?
- June 15, 2013 –– The Green Corruption Files Snags Special Gig on AACONS' Radio Broadcast
- June 30, 2013 –– Nuclear Crimes and Misdemeanors
- July 13, 2013 –– Nuclear Disaster: $10.33 billion in energy loans pressured by the White House and POTUS approved, now at risk
- July 24, 2013 –– Subsidizing Obama’s Algae: Its advisors and allies
- August 19, 2013 –– Billions of Obama biofuel bucks funded "not so shovel-ready" risky projects, fueled by more green corruption
- September 13, 2013 –– Top D.C. Lobbyist McBee Strategic Consulting “opened the spigot of green corporate welfare;” then billions of stimulus cash flooded the firm’s energy clients
- September 28, 2013 –– Virginia Governor Dem Candidate Terry McAuliffe’s GreenTech Auto: small eco-car, big green scam?
- October 15, 2013 –– The RAT in the Recovery and the Gang of Ten
- November 16, 2013 –– Underneath Senator Harry Reid’s Clean-Energy Dirt: Career politician directly linked to over $3 billion in green energy stimulus loans
- December 15, 2013 –– Clean Energy, Dirty Money: Green corruption in review
2014 with 12 posts
- January 20, 2014 –– 'Cleantech Crash': CBS Lesley Stahl 'exhausted' after listing nine Obama-backed green energy failures, try 32 and counting
- March 3, 2014 –– Podesta Power and Center for American Progress: The dark, driving force behind the president’s massive green energy scheme
- March 30, 2014 –– SPECIAL REPORT: Inside the Obama Administration's Big Green Energy Deals With Abengoa: The cost, the connections and the collusion
- March 30, 2014 –– American Taxpayers, Workers and Vendors Screwed by Spanish Conglomerate Abengoa that Snagged Billions in US Green Energy Stimulus Funds
- April 13, 2014 –– Abengoa Atrocities, the Sequel: California Mojave Solar Project is ‘dangerous,’ engineers assert
- May 3, 2014 –– Whistleblowers Expose Rampant Corruption Inside Spanish Conglomerate Abengoa Subsidized with Billions in U.S. Green Energy Stimulus Funds
- July 12, 2014 –– SolarCity: Subsidizing the Left’s ‘green’ millionaires and billionaires
- Sunday, August 10, 2014 –– Another Taxpayer-funded ‘Green’ Gamble: Energy Department doles out $150 million to Cape Wind’s expensive, risky offshore wind project tied to high-profile Democrats
- September 6, 2014 –– Liberal Billionaire Tom Steyer: Dems' "cash for climate change"
- October 2, 2014 –– 2014 Midterm Election Alert: Dem billionaire Eco Super PAC waging war on GOP candidates associated with billionaires
- October 31, 2014 –– Ebola: Solyndra is dead and politics is alive
- November 16, 2014 –– Not Enough Sun Shining at California Ivanpah Solar Plant: $1.6 billion shady stimulus deal tied to numerous wealthy Obama cronies now expect $539 million of free taxpayer cash
- January 1, 2015 –– Two Big White House 'Green' Cronies Unite: First Wind scored over $700 million of stimulus funds, now being acquired by SunEdison
- February 17, 2015 –– Obama Administration Fueling Friends and Failure: At least $10 billion of taxpayer money blown on ‘green’ cars, NOT so ‘green’
- March 24, 2015 –– Climate Change: The Obama Regime’s never-ending fear mongering campaign
- April 11, 2015 –– Energy Department Fuels More Corporate Welfare: Awards politically connected corporate giant Alcoa $259 million 'green' car loan
- May 4, 2015 –– Back to the Future: A sneak peek into Hillary Clinton’s climate change cronies
- May 19, 2015 –– Media Frenzy Over ABC George Stephanopoulos' Undisclosed Clinton Foundation Donations: What about the PBS connections?
- June 22, 2015 –– Inside Job: Export-Import Bank financing themselves, their friends and Obama-Clinton wealthy 'green' cronies
- August 31, 2015 –– Abengoa Alert: New explosive whistleblower Intel reveals that the taxpayer-subsidized California Mojave Solar Plant is a massive green disaster
- December 1, 2015 –– Big Spanish Firm Abengoa Bagged Over $3 Billion of Obama Green Funds; Now Imploding
2016 with two posts and my final
- January 3, 2016 –– The 2016 GOP Omnibus Betrayal: Lots of liberal gifts; plus U.S. president’s clean energy scheme and U.N. climate racket thrive inside massive spending binge
- March 27, 2016 –– Mrs. Clinton’s Convoluted Clean Crony Cookware Cooked up at State with Her Friends and Her Family Foundation Now Costing U.S. Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars
- July 19, 2016: Hillary's Horrendous Hypocrisy
Marita Noon has written over 34 columns on the Green-Energy Crony-Corruption Scandal, which began in June 2012 and ended March 2014 and was based on Christine Lakatos' research. This work resumed in 2016.
- Crony Capitalism and President Obama: How the System Really Works (originally published: 6/10/2012)
- Obama’s Green-Energy Crony-Corruption (originally published: 6/29/2012)
- More Obama Green Energy Corruption (originally published: 7/6/2012)
- Senator Harry Reid’s Part in Green-Energy Crony-Corruption (originally published: 7/14/2012)
- The First Solar Swindle (originally published: 7/21/2012)
- How Democrats Say “Crony Corruption” in Spanish: Abengoa (originally published: 8/4/2012)
- Third Largest Power Company in the World is the Third Largest Recipient of Risky Loans (originally published: 8/17/2012)
- Obama Never Admits Green Energy Failures (originally published: 9/30/2012)
- Romney to Obama: “You Pick the Losers” (originally published: 10/7/2012)
- Obama’s Green Energy Jobs Promise: 355 Jobs and Counting (originally published: 10/14/2012)
- Emails Catch White House Lie on Green-Energy Loans (originally published: 11/1/2012)
- Busting Open Energy’s Den of Deception (originally published: 11/4/2012)
- Exclusive: DOE Corruption—Appointed and Elected Officials Should Face Prison Time (originally published: 11/25/2012)
- Inside Deals Mar John Kerry for State (originally published: 1/21/2013)
- Wall Street Walks on The White House (originally published: 2/24/2013)
- Obama Creates More Wealth for Green Crony Soros (originally published: 3/31/13)
- On Earth Day, Let’s Waste More Money (originally published 4/22/13)
- Fisker: a free ride to make flashy cars in Finland (originally published 4/28/13)
- A six-pack of scandals (originally published 5/19/13)
- Green Energy’s Too Expensive (originally published: 7/14/2013)
- The dirty politics of “clean” energy (originally published 7/28/2013)
- The Macker—deal maker, not a car maker (or even a job creator) (originally published 9/29/13)
- Harry Reid's Personal Green Goldmine (originally published 12/9/13)
- Obama Doctrine: Reward Friends, Punish Enemies (originally published 12/22/13)
- Annoying Greenie on defense (originally published: 1/12/2014)
- SOTU: When All of the Above Has Nothing Above the Neckline (originally published: 2/2/2014)
- Wealthy Environmentalists Push Democrat Harry Reid to Lean-in to Green Energy (originally published: 3/10/2014)
- April 14, 2014, by Marita Noon (published at The Daily Caller) –– Abengoa Solar: Obama’s green energy projects fail, even when they are successful
- May 6, 2014, by Marita Noon (published at CFACT) –– Abengoa Solar combines taxpayer dollars and deceptive practices to succeed/ Spanish firm got a $3.6 billion boost while breaking multiple laws and putting people at risk.
- August 11, 2015, by Marita Noon (published at CFACT) –– Obama’s Clean Power Plan: Solar companies win, taxpayers lose
- February 25, 2016: Biden’s Stimulus Tour Avoids the Green Stuff
- March 21, 2016: Trying to Make Winners out of Losers
- Aprils 25, 2016: The Developing World Wants Natural Gas and Electricity, Hillary Clinton Sends Cookstoves
- May 17, 2016: Is Tom Steyer Helping the Planet or Himself?
Green Corruption Files Cited by…
- March 31, 2012: The Daily Caller (“Obama energy officials funded solar firms despite ‘junk bond’ ratings from S&P, Fitch,” by Gene J. Koprowski) And it also made Yahoo News
- April 2012: California Political News and Views (Lakatos: The Obama “Green” Corruption—Dollar by Dollar, by Stephen Frank)
- July 23, 2012: PJ Media (“Ex-Im Bank Approves Loan to Another Greendoggle with Obama Connections,” by Bryan Preston)
- October 16, 2012: Real Clear Energy (“Obama's Green 'Jobs' Promise: 355 and Counting,” by Marita Noon at Townhall
- October 30, 2012: The Daily Caller (“CLEAN MISSES: As many as 50 Obama-backed green energy companies bankrupt or troubled,” by Michael Bastasch). Also found at October 30, 2012: Fox Nation
- October 31, 2012: GOP USA (“Looks Like Solyndra Isn't the Only Obama-backed Company Going Under”)
- October 31, 2012: John Locke Foundation Research Division Newsletter (Obama's Green Energy Failure List).
- November 5, 2012: Institute for Energy Research (IER) (“Obama's Green Energy Debacle”)
- November 6, 2012: Natural News (“Widespread bankruptcy of Obama-backed green energy companies continues as state of economy worsens,” by Ethan A. Huff)
- January 6, 2013: FrontPageMag.com (“Top Dem Steered $150 Million in Gov Loans to Spanish Company,” by Daniel Greenfield)
- February 15, 2013: Townhall.com (“Report: Frickin’ Fracking Could Ruin Everything for Leftist Activists,” by John Ransom)
- May 25, 2013: American Free Press ("GREEN TRANNY" by Victor Thorn) Also found at the European Union (EU) Times
- November 29, 2013: WND EXCLUSIVE (“U.N. milks 'warming' claim to spend half-trillion-plus,” by Jerome Corsi)
- December 3, 2013: Reason Foundation Report “Stimulating Green Electric Dreams: Lobbying, Cronyism and Section 1705,” by Julian Morris and Victor Nava (Marita Noon, “Senator Harry Reid’s Part in Green Energy Crony Corruption,” Townhall Finance, July 14, 2012)
- January 17, 2014: Guardian Liberty Voice (“Global Warming Causes Global Spending: Follow the Money [video],” by Ben Gaul)
- February 14, 2014: National Review Online (“Obama’s Wreckovery,” by Michelle Malkin) –– also found at MichelleMalkin.com
- February 26, 2014: PowerLine Blog (“Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare,” by John Hinderaker)
- March 8, 2014: MyGovCost.org, which was launched in August 2010 by Independent Institute (“Blowing the Budget in the Wind, Posted by Craig Eyermann)
- March 22, 2014: PowerLine Blog (“The Washington Post Responds To Me, and I Reply to the Post,” by John Hinderaker)
- April 12, 2014: Liberty Unyielding (“Nevada standoff: Yes, it’s solar-industry cronies -- but NOT the Chinese,” by J.E. Dyer)
- April 12, 2014: The Minority Report (“Senator Harry Reid’s Chinese Connection and over $3 Billion in Green Energy Corruption”)
- April 17, 2014: World Net Daily (“Clinton/Obama cronies behind Bundy showdown,” by James Simpson)
- April 18, 2014: WND EXCLUSIVE (“Democrats awash in 'green' energy deals on public land,” by Jerome Corsi)
- April 20, 2014: PowerLine Blog (“THE EPIC HYPOCRISY OF TOM STEYER,” by John Hinderaker)
- April 30, 2014: WND EXCLUSIVE (“Fox News star takes on 'Dirty Harry' Reid”)
- May 6, 2014: Breitbart London (“Obama's Last Shot – Climate Change – And Why It's Doomed To Fail,” by James Delingpole)
- June 4, 2014: Accuracy in Media (AIM) (“States Can Stop EPA’s War on Coal,” by James Simpson)
- July 13, 2014: Doug Ross @ Journal (“The Democrats' War on Children: Climate & Energy” –– SolarCity: Subsidizing the Left’s ‘green’ millionaires and billionaires: Green Corruption)
- July 28, 2014: Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) Energy & Environmental Newsletter (Clean Energy; Dirty Money: Green Corruption in Review)
- The Washington Free Beacon Stories by Lachlan Markay, based on a Green Corruption tip
- August 1, 2014: House Financial Services Committee (“Egregious Ex-Im Bank Deal of the Day,” posted by Staff)
- October 21, 2014: Watchdog.org (“Two years later, feds still eyeing Steyer and Musk companies,” by Tori Richards)
- November 17, 2014: Energy Depot (“Not Enough Sun Shining at California Ivanpah Solar Plant: $1.6 billion shady stimulus deal tied to numerous wealthy Obama cronies now expect $539 million of free taxpayer cash”)
- December 14, 2014: Hawaii Free Press (NextEra: The Green Corruption Files)
- June 8, 2015: OpentheBooks.com (Export-Import Bank / Green Energy Sector Report)
- June 11, 2015: The Heartland Institute ("Taxpayers Funding Al Gore-Affiliated Energy Boondoggle Through Ex-Im Bank," by Emily Zanotti)
- June 26, 2015: Forbes (“The Anti Ex-Im Odd Couple," by Adam Andrzejewski)
Investigative journalist Christine Lakatos documented the intersection of Ex-Im officials, corporate beneficiaries and executives, political cash and relationships, interlocking corporate and Ex-Im board directorates, federal agency grants, and flow of massive Clinton Foundation gifts. The depth and scope of the “legalized money laundering schemes” are nauseating.
- July 10, 2015: WattsUpWithThat.com (“The green mirage – and con job,” by Paul Driessen and Tom Tamarkin)
- August 20, 2015: The Climate Change Dispatch ("America’s big ‘green’ wrecking machines," by Mary Kay Barton)
- The Fall 2015 Issue of The Independent Review (“Causes and Consequences of the Climate Science Boom,” by William N. Butos Thomas J. McQuade)
- 2016: DiscovertheNetworks.org (Profile on Tom Steyer) March 1, 2016: Breaking All the Rules (BATR) (“How much did Barack Obama rip-off while President?”)
- April 2016: Listed at EcoFascism.com (“…but obscure sites such as Green Corruption Files and No Tricks Zone often make for the most interesting reading…”)
- April 21, 2016: The Savage Nation Radio Broadcast and Website (Dr. Savage ranted about the 2016 SunEdison bankruptcy, while reading this January 2015 Green Corrupting File: “Two Big White House 'Green' Cronies Unite: First Wind scored over $700 million of stimulus funds, now being acquired by SunEdison”)
- April 25, 2016: Lakatos Interview on the Savage Nation
- May 1, 2016: World Net Daily (“SunEdison bankruptcy exposes climate-change corruption,” by Jerome Corsi)
- May 10, 2016: Clinton.News (“Clinton Foundation is a ‘charity fraud’ that allows foreign interests to legally bribe Hillary Clinton”)
The End