First published on Blogcritics Magazine Author: Christine Lakatos — Published: Aug 08, 2010 at 9:20 pm
Al Gore and John Doerr's –– the "climate duo," whose combined carbon footprint is larger than my entire city –– friendship dates as far back as the 90's. Since being converted to “global warming” by Gore in 2005 with “a convenient hype," Doerr has become a “green evangelist,” with his climate crisis message, “I’m really scared, I don’t think we’re gonna make it.” At the same time Doerr continually markets energy as “the mother of all markets” –– $6 trillion a year worldwide.
As written by Troxler and Brown in their book Killing Wealth, Freeing Wealth, around 2005 Kleiner Perkins had initially invested $100 million into “green” and announced publicly that they would “advocate for policies that reduce the climate crisis and increase energy innovation.” Yet, “within hours of Obama’s victory –– a candidate that both Gore and Doerr had strenuously campaigned for, including financial donations –– Kleiner Perkins had upped their investment in forty-eight clean-energy-technology companies to the tune of nearly $2 billion.”
In 2004 Gore started a company with CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management David Blood –– Generation Investment Management (GIM), a “green” and "global warming" investment company valued at $2.5 billion. GIM partners include two other Goldman bigwigs, Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris, with speculation that Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson is involved somehow, yet I am unable to confirm.
In 2007, GIM and Kleiner Perkins created "an International Alliance to accelerate global climate solutions," and about that time, Gore became a partner of Kleiner Perkins and Doerr joined the GIM advisory board. More compelling, both GIM and Goldman Sachs are two of the largest investors in the cap-and-trade carbon-trading platform that Obama helped get funded back in 2000 and 2001 via the Joyce Foundation. That company is the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), which was launched in 2003 and whose founder and CEO Richard Sandor –– the “Godfather of Carbon Trading," another major player in the Climate Scam –– estimates that the worldwide carbon market could be "a $10 trillion a year market.”
If you've followed any of Glenn Beck’s Crime Inc. series, conservative blogs, or caught Deborah Corey Barnes' 2007 article at HumanEvents.com –– The Money and Connections Behind Al Gore's Carbon Crusade –– you’re probably aware that during two of the eight years (1994 to 2002) that Obama sat on the board of The Joyce Foundation (the Chicago-based organization, who is a major donor to radical environmentalist and conservation groups, including Joel Rogers' Emerald Cities Collaborative and progressive movements like Center for American Progress), then Senator Obama voted in favor of the nearly $1.1 million in two separate grants that were instrumental in developing and launching CCX. Also, prior to joining the Obama administration as Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President, Valerie Jarrett served as a director of The Joyce Foundation. During the time funding was approved, Paula DiPerna, the Joyce Foundation's president became the Executive Vice President for CCX.
Furthermore, during Senator Obama's April 2006 “Energy Independence” speech, he even gave CCX a "shout out" –– "Right here in Chicago, the Chicago Climate Exchange is already running a legally binding greenhouse gas trading system," announces the Organizing for America website, the successor organization to Obama for America. Interestingly, in October 2006, then Chicago Governor Rod Blagojevich, in his Executive Order on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction, it states, "It is the intent for the State of Illinois to join Chicago Climate Exchange," and sure enough the State of Illinois is a CCX member.
Most are aware that GIM purchased a ten percent stake in CCX and became the company's fifth largest co-owner and in 2006 Goldman Sachs also purchased a ten percent share of CCX for $23 million –– marking Goldman and GIM as the largest investors in the Chicago Climate Exchange. However, what is not known is that Sandor is well connected and even had a hand in shaping the Waxman cap-and-trade bill –– as reported by Bloomberg News in June of 2009, which also confirmed his ties to Obama. Sandor stated, “Obama was on the foundation [Joyce Foundation] that gave us the grant.” “We know him well.”
In addition, in a May 14, 2009 press release by ResourceInvestor.com, Sandor was named as part of a new panel called the Energy & Environmental Markets Advisory Committee (EEMAC), of which Bart Chilton Commissioner of the Commodity Future Trading Commission (CFTC), is also the chair. “This is a distinguished group that will help the agency as we prepare for what could be the most important commodity market ever,” Chilton said. “I know it is sort of rare for government to do a lot of work before a new law is even passed, but carbon markets are too important for us not to get right,” Chilton added.
It must be a Chicago thing, but the Climate Scam is much bigger.
CCX board includes a very controversial figure –– Maurice Strong, who has described himself as “a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology” and Strong is another "global warming guru," playing "a unique and critical role in globalizing the environmental movement." According to Canada Free Press, Strong was part of a scandal with Al Gore back in the 90’s and has been known to be working on "anti-American schemes with George Soros as far back as 2006." Canada Free Press pronounces, “All that President Barack Obama is doing to transform America and the Free World over to One World Government begins and ends with one Maurice Strong. Soros is merely the financier.”
Speaking of George Soros, Troxler and Brown open Killing Wealth, Freeing Wealth, heralding Soros “the first of the Killionaires, but not the last” –– and highlight his trail of destruction. Killionaires, the authors state, “Are focused on killing off the wealth of millions to increase their own personal wealth.” And in Soros own words, “I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do.”
According to DiscoverTheNetworks.org, Soros through his foundation Open Society Institute (OSI), has dispensed billions of dollars to a multitude of left-wing organizations, including bankrolling, as mentioned earlier, the Center for American Progress as well as Moveon.org –– the web-based political network that uses its fundraising clout to push the Democratic Party to the left. Apparently, Soros "is one of the most powerful men on earth" and "has long, deep and shady ties to the Democratic Party," more specifically, Hillary Clinton, yet Soros jumped into the political ring with Barack Obama as early as 2004.
But we’ll “move on” because more relevant to the Climate Scam is an organization that Soros happens to be one of the largest donors –– the Tides Center/Foundation, "with a 30-year history in progressive social change work." The Tides Center is a large and frequent recipient of Joyce Foundation grants, who, as noted earlier, funds a lot of "green," lists the Apollo Alliance in their "Project Directory" and recently gave a $175,000 grant to the Tides Center for the “work” of the Apollo Alliance. A tangled financial web is woven in the fabric of the green movement and there's more...
Goldman Sachs is like a parasite, inhabiting, surviving and thriving at the expense of its host –– our political structure, infecting our capitalistic system turning it into a distasteful, dysfunctional, and destructive machine. Goldmanites are also “Banksters” operating within this Climate Scam. In fact, Matt Taibbi in his July 2009 Rolling Stone Magazine article –– The Great American Bubble Machine –– warns that Goldman Sachs is "helping create the next bubble, 'global warming.'” Other economic analysts label it “alternative energy,” yet most predict, and as presented in Troxler and Brown's book, Killing Wealth, Freeing Wealth –– it will be the biggest financial bubble in U.S. history.
Taibbi also reveals that Goldman Sachs “ramped up its push for cap-and-trade" back in 2008 "when their firm spent $3.5 million to lobby for climate issues, pointing out that one of the lobbyists at that time was Mark Patterson, who now serves as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s chief of staff." Goldmanites also made early “green investments," including wind power, renewable diesel, and partnered with BP Solar” –– BP another major contributor to the Obama campaign, but right now they are in "deep water" with the White House. Goldman Sachs "has invested over $2 billion in alternative energy projects in the US, Europe and Asia" –– a "green portfolio" along with Kleiner Perkins, that should be thoroughly investigated, but we'll take a brief glance.
As the Climate Scam turns, one of the early investments reported by Taibbi is Horizon Wind Energy –– still on the Goldman Sachs Environmental Markets portfolio, but owned by Portuguese EDP Renewables –– won a $229.8 million grant from the Obama Green Stimulus package, as reported by GreenTechnology.Daily.com in December 2009, pointing out that it was one of the "top grant recipients." The article also notes, "European companies have scooped up the majority of U.S. stimulus money set aside for wind power projects."
Nordic Windpower, funded by Goldman Sachs and Khosla Ventures (and others) –– Vinod Khosla, an affiliated partner of Kleiner Perkins –– in July 2009 announced that it had "received a conditional commitment for a $16 million loan guarantee offer from the US Department of Energy (DOE), supported through the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act."
U.S. Geothermal Inc. –– an Idaho-based geothermal energy developer with three main projects in the works (San Emidio in Nevada, Raft River in Idaho, and Neal Hot Springs in Oregon) with plans for more –– are a Goldman Sachs investment and they are a 5.98% shareholder in the company.
Back in October 2009, the San Emidio Project, a 3.6 megawatts power plant in Nevada was awarded $3.77 million in federal stimulus money. Also, in February 2010 it was declared that "work has begun" on USG's Raft River Project –– a $10 million Enhanced Geothermal System grant program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. Lastly, June 2010, USG announced that it “was offered a conditional commitment for a $102.2-million loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Energy," slated to build a 22-megawatt power plant in the eastern Oregon desert –– the Neal Hot Springs Project. The Associated Press reported that "once it [the Neal Hot Springs Project] is done (around 2012), the company is counting on a separate, $34 million federal tax rebate" –– money that's part of the 2009 federal stimulus act meant to help spur investment in renewable energy, which will help pay down the federal loan as well as pay off some private investors."
Obviously, these uber-rich individuals along with crooked politicians are running the "green show." With their "planet saving venture," they have hijacked our environment for profit, using deception and corruption on many fronts, making this a scam. They are fueled by greed and power as they engineer the largest financial bubble in U.S. history, while American taxpayers foot the bill, ultimately to suffer the dire consequences, unless of course, Captain Planet arrives. On the other hand, the left-wing radical agenda that is attached to the green movement is complex and even much more difficult to track then the billions of taxpayer dollars going to "favored" green companies, yet it is just as troubling and I will attempt to make sense out of it next.
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