Article first published as Obama's Political Payback: Green Corruption, Part Two on Blogcritics Magazine. Author: Christine Lakatos — Published: Aug 08, 2010 at 9:14 pm
Let me be clear, this is not a debate on whether or not the globe is warming or is going to blow up if we keep breathing. And to be clearer, protecting our environment, energy independence, and doing more to “green” our planet are worthy and necessary endeavors, which most of us on the Right wholeheartedly support. However, at heart of the U.S. climate legislation –– Obama Climate –– is Cap-and-Trade, which passed the House June 26, 2009 (H.R. 2454). In essence the government sets limits on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) a company can emit. The limits are called a “cap.” If a company has to exceed the limit, it is allowed to buy “credits” from companies that pollute less. This transfer is the “trade" –– pollution trading, wow, another human invention! Companies selling their credits under this elaborate accounting system can expect to prosper, including many involved in this Climate Scam.
Considering last summer and into the winter of 2009 the Obama administration was bogged down with their massive takeover of our health care system –– deceiving Americans as to the content and the cost. And as they continue scrambling to fix a drowning economy and high unemployment raging across the nation, the Democratic leadership have been "unable to sell cap-and-trade as a job creator," knowing that Americans "see it as a job killer and a costly energy tax." So in December 2009 the Obama administration decided to go through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to move their climate agenda via the Clean Air Act, ruling that “greenhouse gases threaten public health and the environment" and six key greenhouse gases were listed, including carbon dioxide (C02), opening the "regulation door" to carbon emissions from automobiles, power plants, and other sources.
In May 2010, the Senate climate bill was unveiled by Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman –– the American Power Act –– and just a couple of weeks ago Senator Harry Reid's "energy and oil spill response legislation" has been floating around, which according to the author of the bestseller Climate Gate, Brian Sussman, "[it] contains a clot of overpowering government spending and social engineering." Furthermore, recent reports are claiming that "cap-and-trade is dead" (kind of like the public option in ObamaCare), while rumors have surfaced that the Democratic leadership plan on using more of their Chicago-thug-style political tactics as they did to make ObamaCare law of the land –– this time a more cowardly method, “a lame-duck session.”
With so much at stake for many in this Climate Scam, even if the planet blows up, they will get their cap-and-trade, or a version of it –– a legislation that they helped create, shape, facilitate, lobby, testify, and will continue to push for because at the end of the day, they will ultimately benefit from it –– big time! And if a Senate bill passes and is reconciled with the tougher cap-and-trade House version, most economic analysis confirm that it will hurt the economy, raise taxes, and kill jobs. Even candidate Obama in 2008 stated, "Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
As outlined in Green Corruption, Part One, the Obama administration has already approved numerous "green" government contracts to the heavyweight Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB), of which we already know that Al Gore and John Doerr are both partners. Billions of taxpayer dollars from the Obama Green Stimulus and other government loans and grants are funding KPCB's "green" projects and ultimately their pockets.
Obviously, government favoritism is at play here and it goes further than KPCB, leaving out a host of companies that offer green energy technologies who are ready to make a positive impact on our environment. It's a disease within our political structure –– the all too familiar and ugly evolution of "crony capitalism," spewing out of both political parties. However, most of the players in this scam are connected to the party in power –– the Democratic leadership –– so it will move ahead as planned, unchecked.
Ironically, in April 2009 when Gore testified in a hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, he was confronted by Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) about his financial interests in, at that time, to the pending cap-and-trade legislation. What’s funny about this interchange is that Blackburn, citing an October article by the New York Times Magazine about Kleiner Perkins, asked Gore, "Are you aware of that company?" Gore, laughingly said, “Well, yes, I’m a partner in Kleiner Perkins.” Blackburn then noted that “they [Kleiner Perkins] had invested about a billion dollars in forty companies that are going to benefit from cap-and-trade legislation,” and she asked, “Is the legislation that we are discussing here today; is that something that you are going to personally benefit from?” Blackburn also asked, "Are you willing to divest yourself from any profit?"
Spread awareness. Hmm, OK we'll move ahead because more significant is the fact that Congresswoman Blackburn was onto something big!
Early in his presidency, Obama put together his Green Team and it comprised of a well-respected scientist as well as an array of global- warming activists, progressives, and left-wing radicals like Van Jones, who is part of the Apollo Alliance –– the left-wing group that helped draft the "green" in the 2009 stimulus package (ARRA).

Also, Cathy Zoi served as the CEO of the Alliance for Climate Protection until she was appointed as the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) –– positioning her to “manage the U.S. Department of Energy's $2.3 billion applied science, research, development, and deployment portfolio.” Moreover, Ms. Zoi “oversees EERE's $16.8 billion in funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.”
Apparently, "a number of former Venture Capitalists (VC) jumped ship last summer and are now executing President Obama’s green power policy," including Jonathan Silver, who in November 2009 Energy Secretary Stephen Chu announced him as a new team member of the Department of Energy (DOE). Silver is now the Executive Director of the Department's loan program office and oversees the U.S. Department of Energy's Loan Guarantee Program that was "kicked into high gear" with the Obama administration, as well as the $25-billion Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program, both discussed in Green Corruption Part One.
Evidently, the VC guys as well as the folks from the Alliance for Climate Protection and the Apollo Alliance have the ear of the president, influence over legislation, and other areas on the "green front," and despite the obvious conflict of interest, many are now in charge of deciding who gets billions of "green" taxpayer dollars.

Also worth repeating is that a week prior to enactment of the stimulus package, Obama announced his Economic Recovery Advisory Board (PERAB), "to provide him and his staff with independent advice," of which we know that Doerr is one of the "chosen." However, another "chosen" PERAB board member is Anna Burger, a top-ranking officer at SEIU, whose profile brags that she "led SEIU's grassroots election work, which helped elect President Barack Obama." Ms. Burger is also connected to the Apollo Alliance and is Chair of Change to Win, a "union-united" organization that endorsed Senator Obama as "the American Dream Candidate."
Edward John Craig in his May 2009 article on National Review Online, Thick as Thieves, commented on the so-called advisory board, “Of the 16 [PERAB] members only one (Martin Feldstein) opposes cap-and-trade. At least six expect direct financial benefits from cap-and-trade and the remaining members are either Obama supporters or union representatives.” Sure enough, June 17, 2009 the PERAB voted 15-1 in favor of submitting a memo to Obama that, of course, consisted of "endorsing" cap-and-trade.
Furthermore, the typical cap-and-trade proposal seeks to reduce CO2 emissions by 17% by 2020 and over 80% (below 1990 levels) by 2050 compared to 2005 levels. Worth noting is that The Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation "analyzed a proposal to cut CO2 emissions by 70 percent" and concluded that "such a cut would have little impact on global temperatures."
Since The Heritage Foundation leans to the Right, you'll want to meet Joel Rogers from the far, far Left, who was the co-founder of the 1992 Marxist New Party –– a political party, whose "members hailed from the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA, still alive today) and the militant organization ACORN." Interestingly, all three of the aforementioned organizations "endorsed" Obama at one time or another, but I digress. Rogers is also connected to other left-wing groups and is known as an "anti-capitalist" and "The Wizard" of green movement. In fact, Rogers started a new "green" organization in 2008 –– Emerald Cities Collaborative (ECC), whose mission statement is “united around the goal of 'greening' our metropolitan areas in high-road ways that advance equal opportunity, shared wealth, and democracy within them.” Recently, Rogers was "praised" by the "radical revolutionary" and "social justice guru" –– the 1990 Self-proclaimed Communist Van Jones –– for his “progressive accomplishments," which includes "a new energy paradigm." Rogers and Jones are key players in this Climate Scam and both are part of the Apollo Alliance, of which two key board members are also on the board of Rogers' ECC. Rogers is one of the four co-founders and current board member, while Jones served on the Apollo board until he was "chosen" to be Obama's Green Jobs Czar, which was short lived. In fact since most of these "green" people are all interconnected through various left-wing political and environmental organizations, you wonder if they ever sleep. Later, more of these associations will be confronted –– Jones and the Apollo Alliance included –– when I attempt to connect the "radical climate dots."
For those that don't give a crap about the hard-core-left wing radicals, who have infiltrated the green movement, listen to what Rogers had to say during The New Green Deal – Take Back America 2008 Conference, in a very revealing speech that should be watched in its entirety, however, highlighted below is Rogers' statement after he downplayed the "money aspect of carbon [trading]..."
You can do everything you want to in the U.S. to reduce greenhouse gases and it won't make much of a dent frankly in world wide climate change...I hope you all realize that you could eliminate every power plant in America today and you can stop every car in America today. Take out the entire power generation sector. Take out all of the transportation sector. And you still would not be anywhere near below 80% below 1990 levels. You would be closer to around 60% it would be around 68% percent and that is with bringing the economy to a complete halt. Basically.Again, debating whether or not CO2 is a toxin causing global warming is not the point of this article –– it's the deception, what's really going on behind the "climate scenes." Stay tuned because the plot thickens –– the notorious “Banksters” Goldman Sachs, the “Godfather of Carbon Trading” Richard Sandor, and others are operating within this Climate Scam.
Obama's Political Payback, Part One posted here @ the Green Corruption Blog and at Concerned Citizen: The Right Perspective as well as Blogcritics Magazine...
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